NOAA PIT Tag needs
NOAA needs to develop an internal PIT tag plan integrating research and monitoring objectives
Primary Issues FCRPS BiOp Requirements Status monitoring Precision of estimates Adequate PIT Tag coverage of groups of interest (ESU,DPS, MPG, etc) Uncertainties associated with PIT tagging Detection sites Compass model
BiOp Requirements FCRPS Survival Transport vs. In-River SAR Adult Upstream Conversion Rates Evaluations of mitigation and enhancement measures PTAGIS maintenance and improvement
Status Monitoring Monitoring of intensively monitored watersheds Monitoring of populations of concern
Other Precision Concerns Increased surface passage = decreased detection MCN-BON survival. Precision of annual and within-season SARs and TIRs Reach survivals for other ESUs (e.g., upper Columbia wild-origin fish, Lower Columbia ESUs) are often imprecise or absent
Uncertainties Tag Effects
Detection Increased detector coverage-Upper Columbia, Tributaries, PIT tag trawl New technologies-spillway detection, flat plates, other innovations Improvements to PTAGIS