Types of Heroes Epic (Odysseus) Tragic (Romeo, Hamlet) Conventional (Harry Potter)
Epic Hero A figure of heroic stature, having national or international importance Great historical or legendary significance Action consists of deeds of great valor or requiring superhuman courage Triumphs in the end with the “good” overcoming the “evil”
Tragic Hero A figure of noble stature who has a greatness about him or her Not eminently good or just, but faces misfortune brought about by some error or tragic flaw (hamartia) A pre-eminently great, but not perfect, figure -- combined with strength, there is usually a weakness Encounters a downfall (tragedy) – partially his/her own fault and the result of his/her own free choice rather than the result of pure accident, villainy or some overriding malignant fate – Downfall fills the reader with some empathy or pity; some discovery or gain in self-knowledge is evidenced; the hero may be defeated, but he/she has dared greatly and gains an understanding in defeat
Conventional Hero Usually ruggedly handsome or beguilingly beautiful Figure faced with significant obstacles that he/she finally overcomes to achieve a goal May have vices, but none that the reader would not mind having Reader can, in his/her imagination, identify himself/herself with the hero and can relate to the adventures and triumphs
Hamlet as Tragic Hero Begins with noblest motivations (to punish his father’s murderer) Does not survive to see the full outcome of his actions What is his tragic fall?
Hero’s Journey The Mundane World: where he doesn’t want to be The Call to Adventure: there’s something else out there… Crossing the Threshold: hero crosses into new world from old Path of Trials: meets new people, learns new skills, overcomes challenges Master of Two Worlds: Returns to old world a changed person