PSA Public Service Announcement
Definition: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT “Defined by the Federal Communications Commission as an unpaid announcement that promotes the programs of government or voluntary agencies or that serves the public interest. PSAs can be produced for television and radio broadcast.”
Definition: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT “Announcements that inform the public about safety and health information, community services or public affairs. Produced and programmed much like commercials, but usually not produced for profit.”
Public Service Announcement: You will individually: Select a topic Research the topic Write script Perform the script for video Create a poster
PSA Examples…websites
PSA Topics Pick one of the following:
Smoking PSA Topics Health Consequences Social Consequences Jobs-Hiring Dating
Drug Abuse PSA Topics Health Consequences Legal Consequences Psychological Issues
Prescription Drug Abuse PSA Topics Health Consequences Legal Consequences Psychological Issues
Personal Safety PSA Topics Tips for keeping safe from crime. How to get additional information
Eating Disorders PSA Topics How to identify if you Have a problem. Where to seek additional information
Alcohol Abuse PSA Topics
Depression PSA Topics Symptoms Treatable Resources for help
Teen Drunk Driving Consequences PSA Topics Legal consequences Deaths and injuries
Pollution/Littering PSA Topics
Campus Littering PSA Topics
Household Chemical Disposal
Pet Adoption PSA Topics
Steroid Use PSA Topics
Stereotypes PSA Topics
Stay in School PSA Topics
Peer Pressure PSA Topics
Sexual Harassment PSA Topics
Teen Dating Violence PSA Topics
Domestic Violence PSA Topics
Runaway Hotline PSA Topics
Suicide Prevention Hotline PSA Topics
California Youth Crisis Line PSA Topics
Sexual Assault Hotline PSA Topics
Skin Cancer Prevention PSA Topics
Study Habits PSA Topics
Texting or cell phone use while driving PSA Topics Distracted Driving
Guidelines for using 911 (from a cell phone) PSA Topics
Personal Fitness PSA Topics
Calories of Various Foods PSA Topics
Healthy Eating Choices PSA Topics
Benefits of Breakfast PSA Topics
Youth Volunteerism PSA Topics PSA Topics
Safety on the Internet PSA Topics
Online Bullying PSA Topics
Illegal File Sharing PSA Topics
Internet Addiction PSA Topics
Hearing Damage (Loud Music) PSA Topics
Goal Setting PSA Topics
Student Ideas? Discuss unlisted ideas with your teacher for pre- approval PSA Topics
PSA Examples Successful PSAs: Tell a story Use a voiceover Gives facts Refer viewer to a resource for additional information.