The Government has made efforts: To mainstream gender at all levels Achieve gender equity One of the initiatives is the: Appointment of gender officers in all ministries and state corporations To ensure gender issues are addressed accordingly Engendering data collection, processing and analysis 1/27/2009KNBS2
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development ◦ Developed the National Gender Policy on Gender and Development ◦ Coordinate and harmonize the implementation of the Gender policy Provides a framework for the operationalization of gender mainstreaming Recognizes socio-cultural attitudes held by both women and men 1/27/2009KNBS3
Involves the NSO in all aspects of data use ◦ Development of the Kenya data sheet 2007 ◦ CSW Report ◦ CEDAW Report ◦ Training of Gender Officers in production of gender statistics 1/27/2009KNBS4
Planning and execution of census and household survey activities are spearheaded by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) on behalf of the Government of Kenya in accordance with the Statistics Act 2006 of the Laws of Kenya. 1/27/2009KNBS5
Demographic and health Survey Integrated Household Budget Survey Aids Indicator Srvey MICS 1/27/2009KNBS6
Done every five years Phase I ◦ Formation of Technical Committee Users & Producers: Ministries: Health, Education, Agriculture, Labour, Research Instituions and Development Partners( UNFPA, NUDP, UNCEF, UNIFEM, Macro Int. CDC etc). Composition: 7 females, 18 males ◦ Critique the questionnaires; agree on types of questions to be asked in respective modules: Education, employment, fertility, mortality, family planning, HIV/AIDS, nutrition and gender based violence 1/27/2009KNBS7
1/27/2009KNBS8 CategoryFemaleMaleTotal %Female Technical Committee Trainers/coordinators Supervisors Editors Quality Assurance Research Assistants Drivers Total
% Distribution of KDHS 2008 Personnel by category and gender 1/27/2009KNBS9
Three types of qestionnaires: ◦ Household ◦ Woman ◦ Man Sex and age components very important Modules include: fertility, family planning, mortality, Education, employment, HIV/AIDS, gender based violence maternal and child health. Duration 3 months 1/27/2009KNBS10
Data Processing (3 months) Production of preliminary report (1 month) 1/27/2009KNBS11
1/27/2009KNBS12 Distribution of KDHS data processing staff by category and gender ActivityMalesFemalesTotal % Female System Development Office Editor Data Entry Supervisors202 0 Technician101 0 Total
In-depth analysis (3 months) Thematic areas by subject matter specialists ◦ General information, fertility, mortality, nutrition, maternal & child health, family planning, HIV/AIDS, economic participation and gender based violence Outputs ◦ Comprehensive report ◦ Summary Report ◦ Facts and figures ◦ Fliers ◦ Posters 1/27/2009KNBS13
Dissemination ◦ Launch at national level ◦ Regional ◦ District Monitoring and Evaluation 1/27/2009KNBS14