Develop Local Okanogan Steelhead Brood Stock Proposal # Sponsored By: Colville Confederated Tribes Presented By: Stephen Smith
Need – Subbasin Summary Goal: Establish production-related strategies for recovery and to maximize reproductive potential Obj. 1: Maximize reproductive potential of Okanogan steelhead Strategy: kelt reconditioning Obj. 2: Supplement steelhead populations as necessary to effect recovery while conserving genetic integrity
Programmatic Guidance Mid-Columbia HCP: Shift into a supplementation recovery effort Use locally adapted broodstock NMFS BiOp: Phase out inbred, domesticated, and inappropriate composite broodstocks RPA #171- reform Grand Coulee mitigation RPA #177 – implement safety-net programs.
Relationship to other projects #29007: Okanogan Kelt Reconditioning – integral part of propagation strategy #29042: Selective Fish Collection and Harvesting Gear – selective fishing capability to harvest steelhead, collect brood stock, and monitor adults #29033: Okanogan M&E – collect key adult and juvenile life history data #29017, #29001, #29032, # , # – habitat rehabilitation
Strategic Options Analysis Strategic Options Analysis and HGMP development underway Develop an Integrated Recovery Program – increase the abundance, distribution, and diversity of natural- origin Upper Columbia River Steelhead to aid in recovery of this endangered species Develop an Isolated Harvest Program – restore tribal C&S and recreational harvest of hatchery-origin steelhead
Key Objectives – Integrated Recovery Complete options analysis and HGMP Complete 3-step review process Modify existing Cassimer Bar Hatchery Collect broodstock Recondition broodstock O&M Cassimer Bar Hatchery M&E Cassimer Bar Hatchery
Key Tasks – integrated recovery Collect broodstock in Omak & Salmon creeks Supplement collection with selective gear, as needed Acclimate juveniles in Omak & Salmon creeks Supplement escapement with reconditioned kelts Expand into rehabilitated tributaries when appropriate
Key Objectives – Isolated Harvest Complete options analysis and HGMP Complete 3-step review process Acclimate Wells stock steelhead in upper mainstem/Similkameen Replace with local stock
Expected Results Increased abundance, distribution, and diversity of natural-origin steelhead in historic habitats Selective fishing opportunity for tribal and recreational fishers
Schedule Complete Okanogan Steelhead HGMP – 2002 Complete Step 1- Master Plan – 2003 Complete Step 2- NEPA, ESA, and design – 2004 Complete Step 3- detailed design – 2004 Modify Cassimer Bar Hatchery – 2005 – 06 Collect brood stock and operate CBH