Selective Fish Collection & Harvesting Gear P roposal #29042 Sponsored By: Colville Confederated Tribes Presented By: Stephen Smith.


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Presentation transcript:

Selective Fish Collection & Harvesting Gear P roposal #29042 Sponsored By: Colville Confederated Tribes Presented By: Stephen Smith

NMFS BiOp on FCRPS RPA #164: Develop, test, and deploy selective fishing methods and gear to target non-listed fish RPA #167: Develop improved methods for estimating incidental mortality in fisheries RPA #168: Develop methods for crediting harvest reforms ether to recovery.

Relationship to other projects #29050: Phase I Okanogan River Spring Chinook Production – selectively harvest hatchery-origin fish #29033: Design & Conduct M&E – adult collection; program evaluation #29051: Develop Local Okanogan Steelhead Brood Stock – selectively harvest hatchery-origin fish; adult collection #29040: Develop & Propagate Local Okanogan Summer/Fall Chinook – selectively harvest hatchery-origin fish; adult collection #29008: Zosel Dam Facility – terminal harvest

Project Objectives Develop detailed gear testing plan Test selective fishing gear Deploy gear

Objective 1 - Planning Review literature Investigate gear compatibility with tribal fishers Investigate test sites Develop detailed research plan Obtain permits, NEPA, integration in harvest plans Purchase gear

Objective 2 - Testing. Test equipment; develop protocols Prepare test sites Test gear, sites, and methods Evaluate effects on fish and fish populations Report findings, coordinate with similar programs

Key M&E Objectives Catch efficiencies – CPUE by species, by gear, by site (#29042) Immediate fish injuries (#29042) Post-release behavior and survival (#29033) Effects of selective fishing on population viability (#29033)

Expected Results Costs of selective fishing gear & selective fishing C&S harvest potential using selective gear – Colville Tribe & other tribes Gear effects on fish health and population viability Efficacy of gear for brood stock collection Renewed C&S fishing opportunity

Schedule Develop detailed research plan – Site and fisherman investigations Purchase gear – late 2003 Test equipment – early 2004 Conduct fishing tests as allowable – 2004 – 2010 Deploy gear – contingent on research results