Dworshak Integrated Rule Curves/M&E Project 198740700 2002 Status Review David P. Statler – Nez Perce Tribe Project Leader.


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Presentation transcript:

Dworshak Integrated Rule Curves/M&E Project Status Review David P. Statler – Nez Perce Tribe Project Leader

Purpose of Discussion Illustrate results associated with the 2002 objectives that RFC recommended for funding.

Discussion Topics Compare CBFWA RFC recommended objectives and funding recommendations for FY with actual objectives and funding. Provide summary of results pertaining to objectives actually funded. Project retrospective.

CBWA RFC Recommended 2002 Objectives Refine the Dworshak Rule Curve Evaluation Model (DRCEM) based on recommendations from Barber and Juul (2001). Identify and update appropriate integrated Dworshak operations (Integrated Rule Curve).

CBWA RFC Recommended Objectives (cont.) Institute appropriate integrated operations. Develop a comprehensive long-term monitoring and evaluation plan for Dworshak Reservoir.

Actual Funded 2002 Objectives Refine Dworshak Rule Curve Evaluation Model. Formulate Integrated Rule Curve. Institute Rule Curve Recommendations.

RFC Recommended versus Actual Funding FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 RFC201,291170,000 Actual 98,

Background for Differences in Recommended Objectives and Funding ISRP – Do not fund –It will not be useful to undertake the proposed efforts to adjust a process (BIOP implementation) that is already burdened by too many conflicting influences. NWPCC – Fund –Provide $95,000 in Fiscal Year 2002 to complete the rule curves and final report. Close out project.

Summary of Results Pertaining to Objectives Actually Funded. Completed initial Dworshak Rule Curve Evaluation Model. Collaboratively developed integrated operational criteria for Dworshak. Institutionalized the integrated operational criteria for Dworshak in several regional guidance documents and forums.

Dworshak Dam and Reservoir are located in the Clearwater Subbasin of the Mountain Snake Ecological Province, about 35 miles east of Lewiston, Idaho.

Dworshak Dam Statistics Located RM 1.9 on NF Clearwater R. 717 feet high. Highest straight-axis concrete dam in the W. Hemisphere. Third highest dam in the US.

Formulated Initial Integrated Rule Curve Evaluation Model (DRCEM) DRCEM is a user-friendly Visual Basic modification of the Fortran based Hungry Horse (HRMOD) and Libby (LRMOD) models developed by MDFWP. More than 75 Fortran subroutines and associated support files have been converted to 45 Visual basic Forms and 1 methodology Module.

Formulate Integrated Rule Curve Evaluation Model Three major computational elements: –hydrologic (water balance). –thermal (outflow temperatures, temperature profiles). –biological (primary productivity, zooplankton growth and washout, benthic diptera production, surface insect density, fish growth).

Formulate Integrated Rule Curve Evaluation Model Challenges to model development have included: –Obtaining site-specific regression equations. –Inconsistent units in the source models. –Inadequate documentation in the source models.

Formulate Integrated Rule Curve Evaluation Model Refinement of the initial DRCEM would require: –Debugging the thermal routine. –Further development of site-specific regression equations. –Determining valid estimates for incomplete or missing data. –Further customizing routines for Dworshak Reservoir.

Develop Integrated Operational Criteria Develop Integrated Operational Criteria Attain full pool (1600 ft msl) June 30 or before. Maintain full pool through July 31. Summer drawdown to no lower than elevation 1537 ft msl by August 31 for BIOP operations to cool Snake River. Drawdown to no lower than 1520 ft msl by September 30 for late summer cooling. Draft/refill to upper flood control curve or higher through June 30.

Develop Integrated Operational Criteria Minimum discharge of 1.5 kcfs. Maximum discharge without TDG water quality exemption from NPT and Idaho: –14.0 kcfs from October 1 through June 30. –13.0 kcfs from July 1 through September 30. Exceptions with cause (drought, repairs, flood management requirements, specific fish passage needs).

Develop Integrated Operational Criteria

Institute Rule Curve Recommendations Collaboratively developed integrated criteria have been institutionalized in: –Dworshak Operation Plan (Idaho Water Resource Board 2000). –River Operations Plan (CRITFC 2001, 2002, 2003). –Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program 2003 Mainstem Amendments (NWPCC 2003).

Summary of Results Pertaining to Objectives Actually Funded Completed initial Dworshak Rule Curve Evaluation Model. Collaboratively developed integrated operational criteria for Dworshak. Institutionalized the integrated operational criteria for Dworshak in several regional guidance documents and forums.

Retrospective DRCEM An initial working model is in place. Model limitations and follow-up issues have been identified. Due to project close-out, we will likely not be able to pursue model refinements.

Retrospective Integrated Operational Criteria The developed integrated operational criteria (IRC) are driven primarily by flood control and BIOP flow/temperature criteria. The value added features of the integrated criteria include: –Priority for early refill during spring operations. –Temperature management for fall chinook salmon rearing in the Lower Clearwater River. –Extends water cooling through late summer. –Water quality criteria (TDG).

Retrospective Instituting Integrated Criteria Institutionalization of the integrated criteria is markedly advanced by inclusion in IWRB Dworshak Operation Plan, CRITFC River Operations Plan, and the NWPCC Mainstem Amendments. HOWEVER, real time application of the criteria requires weekly and sometimes daily participation in the Regional Forum (FPAC, TMT, IT).

Retrospective Instituting Integrated Criteria The lack of funding for intensive involvement in the Regional Forum limits the effective application of the Dworshak integrated operational criteria.

No flood storage space needed July 1 - September on Oct on Nov on Dec 15. Max drawdown on April 1 based on run-off forecasts after Jan 1. DWR Flood Control Rule Curve Family of Curves