ICT Technical Challenges (Africa) By Evans Nyangari (Kabarak University, Nakuru – KENYA) 1st April 2005, Joensuu University - Finland
Content Introduction African ICT Challenges Technical Requirements Technical Challenges Conclusion
Introduction Over the last two decades, the convergence of telecommunication industry with computing and broadcasting technologies have made it easier and faster to process, distribute or access information Relevant and appropriate technologies require a stable and reliable infrastructure that enables access to such information To achieve maximum benefits from such digital opportunities an ICT policy should clearly define what is to be done: When How By who ( at what time frame)
The African ICT Challenge Infrastructure inadequacies: Telecommunications, Hardware, energy, roads Human Capacity: Insufficient ; significant number of expert skills "imported"; the few indigenous professionals, wish to migrate to the West due to lack of enabling environment - (brain drain) Government Policies: Biggest problem – Lack of ICT policies or even implementation of existing policies. Rampant corruption greatly hinders even procurement of the right s/w or h/w. Institutional inadequacies: Research, Employment opportunities, mentoring Introduction - continued
Technical Requirements Hardware Physical Networks & Supporting equipments - expensive Software Opensource - free Shareware - restrictive Copyrighted – full ownership Technical Support - scarce Hardware Software
Challenges Missing ICT policy or over ambitious Fragmented efforts in various sectors Duplication of efforts Inadequate and incompatible solutions Inadequate centers of excellence Difficult to assemble and manufacture ICT h/w locally Low S/W development capacity Lack of existing standard and s/w quality awareness results into poorly developed solutions Expensive Solutions Cutting edge technology is expensive ( H/W, S/W & Personnel) Adoption usually takes time Low ICT literacy base ICT training is expensive and skilled people tend change jobs more frequently – making employers very skeptical. Restrictive regulatory environments Monopoly in telecommunication sector was non competitive
Solutions ICT policy A roadmap in the form an ICT policy ensures all stakeholders know their roles and they will contribute toward the mission and vision Centers of excellence Start ICT centers of excellence and encourage initiatives like CISCO Academy, Microsoft Certified at technical level. University research and Industry linkages are important. Relevant & Affordable Solutions Strong strategies to develop teaching and learning techniques based on applied research to solve practical problems relevant to the local need. Adopt the use of OpenSource and stop chasing technologies Create in the student the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship Provide affordable ICT training ICT training should be compulsory at all levels of learning Competitive telecommunication sector Many private networks
Conclusion Africa, one of the world's fastest growing mobile-phone( 47% ) markets is also one of the least developed, with low penetration of fixed-line and internet connectivity. With 850m people there is huge potential of growth. Initiatives to develop and implement relevant programmes with partner Universities, Institutions, and Governments is an ongoing process Many NGOs have been involved at both low and high end technical training of personnel before finally handing over the projects Telecommunication and Software companies like Nokia, Motorolla, Microsoft, Oracle, and CISCO have been involved in research projects that have reduced the cost of some of their products. (Motorolla phone <30dollars)