By: Bekah Clayton
Tribe Traditions What did they eat Where did they live How did they dress Famous people Contributions How big is the tribe Extra information Quiz Bibliography About the Author
They lived in cliffs houses. They grew gardens for food. They made baskets, and sandals.
They ate beans and corn and squash. They hunted turkey for food. There teeth went bad because they didn’t have tooth brushes. Would you think if your teeth went bad.
They lived in Mexico. They lived in Four Corners. They lived in California. Would you think if to walk everywhere. The Anasazi tribe didn’t have a car or horse.
They made sandals and wore them. They grew cotton into belts and shirts. They killed animals and used the fur for cloths. Would you think that the animals you killed the fur from it you would were.
So the Anasazi tribe probably had famous people. But they didn’t leave behind anything that told us that they had famous people. Also they didn’t have a written language. But they panted on cave walls it probably meant something but we don’t know what it meant.
They invented gardens. They were the first ones that got water from hear to there. They were the first ones to build houses.
The Anasazi tribe almost covered half of Utah. Would you think if your whole family covered almost half of Utah.
They found seashells not from Utah. They hunted with a bow and arrow. They painted on walls the colors they used were red, yellow, black, and white colors.
What did they make there belts and shirts out of? What did they hunt? What did they live in? Where did they live? What did they were on there feet? What colors did they paint with?
The Utah Adventure by:John McCormick eoples/ancestral_puebloan.html
I live in west haven Utah. My favorite color is pink. My favorite subject is math. My favorite book is What Ever After if the shoe fits. My favorite activity is having friends. You should know that like I monkeys. I can help people by helping them with there work.