Politics of Aid Read the bullet points as you go through the Power Points. Can you write something about each point? NO - Look at your class jotters. Click on a symbol to see a video clip on the topic. Click on the symbol to go to a web site. Make notes / write a few sentences / write figures about each topic in your revision notes from each video and audio clip.
Remember to …. Open the Box for any KU question. You must add more to the topic in the question and write a story about it with examples.
The Politics of Aid Development Indicators Birth Rate Death Rate Infant Mortality [deaths] Life Expectancy Literacy Rate Rich world Poor World Developed worldDeveloping world
The Problems of Some African Countries Too many people Not enough food Poor Health Lack of Education War The Circle Of Poverty
Different African countries have many different problems. Malawi [AIDS] Rwanda [War] Kenya [Drought] Ethiopia [Food]
Many different types of aid can help to meet the needs of some African people. Food Aid Education Aid 1 Health Aid [Motorcycle Doctors] Water Aid Transport Aid Education Aid 2
United Nations [UN] Agencies World Health Organisation Food and Agriculture Organisation United Nations Children’s Fund Immunisation Campaigns Street Food. Seeds Oral Rehydration Therapy David Beckham is a UN ICEF Goodwill Ambassador
UK Department of International Development [DFID] DFID is the part of the UK Government that manages Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme poverty. The UK’s spending on Development was £7,487m in 2006/07. The DFID aid programme was £4,923m (66%) of this spending. DFID is helping to reduce world poverty by working towards the Millennium Development Goals. Reducing the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS. Encouraging trade. Giving more children the chance to go to School. Stopping conflict and improving security. A School visits DIFID 1 A School visits DIFID 2
The Millennium Development Goals The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were agreed at the United Nations Millennium Summit in September Nearly 190 countries have subsequently signed up to them. The eight Millennium Development Goals are: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal Primary education Promote gender equality and empower women. Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Develop a global partnership for development
Play Pumps – Really Good Aid Simple Cheap Gives clean water Stop diseases Gives jobs Kids Play - Water pumps!! Kids Play - Water pumps!!
Good Luck Write good examples from your work in class. Remember the videos and write about them.