Programme MorningSession Presentations MC : Byron Anangwe
DAY 2 Summary Current initiative is a 30m resolution landcover to Reason why? For global consistent and locally relevant Permits detection of land change Method stacking all images and using them to classify and generate LC sa opposed to using onetime imagery 500*500 & 100*100 km sq Displayed a number of examples of classifications done in Kenya-Lodwar, SA- Kwa zulu Natal Showed the new initiatives in close to real time landcover mapping Current initiative is a 30m resolution landcover to Reason why? For global consistent and locally relevant Permits detection of land change Method stacking all images and using them to classify and generate LC sa opposed to using onetime imagery 500*500 & 100*100 km sq Displayed a number of examples of classifications done in Kenya-Lodwar, SA- Kwa zulu Natal Showed the new initiatives in close to real time landcover mapping The USGS global land cover mapping initiative The USGS global land cover mapping initiative Has 6 dedicated space resources Other than satellites the other services are: Land monitoring services for: European Union- urban Global component- S3 resolution product, the need for 30m resolution datasets There is an action plan for digital observatory to protected areas Trend indicate that decline in recovery and regeneration of vegetation is evident Sentinel spatial temporal and spectral characteristics provide huge potential for LC /LU user satisfaction Has 6 dedicated space resources Other than satellites the other services are: Land monitoring services for: European Union- urban Global component- S3 resolution product, the need for 30m resolution datasets There is an action plan for digital observatory to protected areas Trend indicate that decline in recovery and regeneration of vegetation is evident Sentinel spatial temporal and spectral characteristics provide huge potential for LC /LU user satisfaction Land use and land cover mapping at the Joint Research Centre Alan Belward Land use and land cover mapping at the Joint Research Centre Alan Belward Main Activity Putting information within reach; Sharing policy expertise; Providing a meeting place for nations; Bringing field knowledge Main objectives improve linkages standardization, homogenization, compatibility validation of land cover use and sharing of remote sensing data comparable products capacity development and institution strengthening operational development and use FAO GLCN Core activities Standards and Classification System LCCS / LCML / ISO :2012 LCCS databases Mapping Device – Change Analysis Tools (MADCAT) Main Activity Putting information within reach; Sharing policy expertise; Providing a meeting place for nations; Bringing field knowledge Main objectives improve linkages standardization, homogenization, compatibility validation of land cover use and sharing of remote sensing data comparable products capacity development and institution strengthening operational development and use FAO GLCN Core activities Standards and Classification System LCCS / LCML / ISO :2012 LCCS databases Mapping Device – Change Analysis Tools (MADCAT) FAO Land Cover Mapping methodology, tools and standards & GLC–SHARE database Renato Cumani FAO Land Cover Mapping methodology, tools and standards & GLC–SHARE database Renato Cumani MC : Byron Anangwe
Programme Presentations Group presentations Health Break Mid Morning / Early Afternoon session MC : Byron Anangwe Lunch
DAY 2 Summary Countries participating in the project Malawi; Rwanda; Tanzania Zambia; Namibia; Botswana Overall Project Aims: Strengthen the institutional arrangements Enhance the technical capacity of designated personnel Improve national methodologies, activity data and emission factors operational development and use Objectives To collect ancillary and ground reference data –validate lc. To develop LC maps from Landsat satellite images using RS sensing techniques for 2000 and 2010 epochs. Development of replicable and consistent procedures. To build capacity of the countries through training on Land Cover mapping for GHG Inventory Development in the ESA Region. Classification scheme Scheme I: IPCC define Scheme II: defined by the country Countries participating in the project Malawi; Rwanda; Tanzania Zambia; Namibia; Botswana Overall Project Aims: Strengthen the institutional arrangements Enhance the technical capacity of designated personnel Improve national methodologies, activity data and emission factors operational development and use Objectives To collect ancillary and ground reference data –validate lc. To develop LC maps from Landsat satellite images using RS sensing techniques for 2000 and 2010 epochs. Development of replicable and consistent procedures. To build capacity of the countries through training on Land Cover mapping for GHG Inventory Development in the ESA Region. Classification scheme Scheme I: IPCC define Scheme II: defined by the country General scope of JICA Development of forest resource inventory system Basic info for REDD+ Contribution for sustainable forest management Generation of National biomass amount and inventorisation Presented a case study of Gabon and how they have mapped out different forest types He presented the methodology and approach with the utilization of pan- sharpened imagery and extracting training sites for object oriented supervised classification The data has been utilized to determine areas that have been logged. Direct (high res)a nd Indirect (constant distance) General scope of JICA Development of forest resource inventory system Basic info for REDD+ Contribution for sustainable forest management Generation of National biomass amount and inventorisation Presented a case study of Gabon and how they have mapped out different forest types He presented the methodology and approach with the utilization of pan- sharpened imagery and extracting training sites for object oriented supervised classification The data has been utilized to determine areas that have been logged. Direct (high res)a nd Indirect (constant distance) Driven by the Need for Better Cropland Maps Spatially incorrect Need % cropland Need crop type distribution maps Needs more ground validation Looking into the future with best available global data Working on tools that will help compare a variety of products at various locations They have developed a tool to allow some validation on the ground using Crowdsourced geo-wiki points via validation Driven by the Need for Better Cropland Maps Spatially incorrect Need % cropland Need crop type distribution maps Needs more ground validation Looking into the future with best available global data Working on tools that will help compare a variety of products at various locations They have developed a tool to allow some validation on the ground using Crowdsourced geo-wiki points via validation Global and African Crop Land and Crowdsourcing Steffen Fritz Global and African Crop Land and Crowdsourcing Steffen Fritz JICA National Land Cover Datasets in African Countries Hiroshi Sasakawa Ph. D. JICA National Land Cover Datasets in African Countries Hiroshi Sasakawa Ph. D. U.S. EPA African activities supporting national GHG inventory Mapping in six ESA countries Phoebe Oduor U.S. EPA African activities supporting national GHG inventory Mapping in six ESA countries Phoebe Oduor MC : Byron Anangwe / Shuaib Lwasa
Capacity building remains their core objective Conclusion Land Cover maps produced are envisaged to be used as an input in the ALU tool (Agriculture Land Use tool ALU tool uses an empirical formula to determine the GHG emissions for a country using activity data from different sectors: Agriculture, Transport, Industrial, Energy and Waste. And using Land cover maps as baseline data. Recommendations Extension of GHG land cover mapping to include more countries. A reconnaissance exercise which was not supported due to budgetary limitations should be included. Extensive field work to ensure that most of the country is covered for more reliable accuracy assessment. Development of Scheme III Land use Land cover maps.
DAY 2 Summary UN-REDD Programme Example from Nigeria, Tanzania Spatial decision support software for land use planning Using Marxan for REDD+ Linking the above with economic Global forest watch 2.0 UN-REDD Programme Example from Nigeria, Tanzania Spatial decision support software for land use planning Using Marxan for REDD+ Linking the above with economic Global forest watch 2.0 He started off with a background presentation on the size, and demographic dynamics 2% pop growth rate High forest cover loss in % decrease Drivers of deforestation pop growth; fuel wood; insecure land tenure; policy implementation Objectives and progress Expectations Community development Government coordinated activities and initiatives Short term Education and awareness Development of a national lC classification system Harmonization of existing lc luse data National forest inventory & MRV Long term -Empirical review of drivers and development of corresponding emissions and national and sub-national spatial data -Implementation of NFMS and MRV strategies He started off with a background presentation on the size, and demographic dynamics 2% pop growth rate High forest cover loss in % decrease Drivers of deforestation pop growth; fuel wood; insecure land tenure; policy implementation Objectives and progress Expectations Community development Government coordinated activities and initiatives Short term Education and awareness Development of a national lC classification system Harmonization of existing lc luse data National forest inventory & MRV Long term -Empirical review of drivers and development of corresponding emissions and national and sub-national spatial data -Implementation of NFMS and MRV strategies Malawi REDD+ Readiness Program John Kerkering Malawi REDD+ Readiness Program John Kerkering MC : Byron Anangwe / Shuaib Lwasa
Programme MorningSession Presentations Group presentations Presentations Group presentations Presentations Your Text Health Break Mid Morning / Early Afternoon session MC : Byron Anangwe Lunch Afternoon Session Evening Session Health Break Safari Park
Plenary sessions Lots of data has been produced by JRC but still there is need for ownership by the respective Countries Outreach and education on how to interpret this information is required. GLCN is working on a tool to allow integration of LCCS 2 into 3 Capacity building can be done upon the request of the country The software is provided free to universities and research institutions Plenary S1 Plenary S2 Plenary S3 Plenary S4 Presenters There are similar LC mapping initiatives on the ground and it would have been more beneficial to Partner up with the rest It would be great if other classification algorithms could be utilized to improve on the quality of output results other than depending on single one e.g maximum likelihood There is merit in change detection if areas of high probability of change can be prioritized and areas of low probability change can be ignored. There are a number of FOSS that are available for use but to date there has been no forum for discussions on merits and demerits and limitation of some of them Input: Maybe other technologies can be exploited with respect to data cataloging, harvesting, and identification; why should there be lots of expense in creation of metadata maybe other technologies like text search being utilized by google can be of great essence. There is need to relate and associate the importance of social economic uplift of the society with respect to available landcover of the society. There are a number of FOSS that are available for use but to date there has been no forum for discussions on merits and demerits and limitation of some of them
Asante Sanya Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) refers to a range of analytical and participatory approaches to integrate environmental consideration into policies, plans, or programs (PPP) and evaluate the interlinkages with economic and social considerations
Thank You Asante Sanya Gabriel Sanya