Effective but kind hand hygiene with unique long lasting effect Agrosept
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Swab test Agrosept
Results on Aeribic Count Plate1 The results on Aeribic Count Plate show how much the bacteria on the hand before hand wash. Estimated count = 10³ = TNTC 1 Agrosept
Swab test after hand wash with normal liquid soap Agrosept
2 Results on Aeribic Count Plate after liquid soap treatment The results on AeribicCount Plate show liquid soap can reduce bacteria on the hand more then 50% Agrosept
Disinfection with Agrosept
Results on Aeribic Count Plate after treatment with Agrosept The results on AeribicCount Plate show after disinfecting with Agrosept 1 % can reduce the bacteria more then 99%. In 2min. time. 3 Agrosept
Test on the egg shell A1 and A2 is an eggs from a farm specially chicken has been taken an Injection for bird flu. Agrosept
Test on the egg shell Picture 1 & 2 swab the surface.Picture 3 & 4 & 5 following the swabbing method. Picture 6 ready to incubate for 48 Hr Agrosept
The results on Aeribic Count Plate show how much the bacteria on the egg A1 Test on the egg shell Agrosept
The results on AeribicCount Plate show how much the bacteria on the egg A2 Test on the egg shell Agrosept
Spray Agrosept on A1 and A2 following the swabbing method ready to incubate for 48 Hr. Spray Agrosept on the egg shell Agrosept
Results on the egg shell after spray Agrosept. Agrosept
Results on the egg shell after spray Agrosept. Agrosept
SUMMARY Anti Bacterial Fast action and reaction time High constant standard High efficacy in a small concentrations Odorless and tasteless qualities Long lasting effect Harmless to skin Agrosept