Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Umatilla River Basin Anadromous Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Project No Presented by R.H. Lewis, Team Leader
Project Goal To protect and enhance habitat for existing summer steelhead and re- introduced chinook and coho salmon on private lands in the Umatilla Basin.
Project History Since its inception in 1987, the project has: secured 52 conservation easements with anticipation of four additional easements. secured 52 conservation easements with anticipation of four additional easements. enhanced some 20 stream miles. enhanced some 20 stream miles. constructed 25 miles of livestock exclusion fencing. constructed 25 miles of livestock exclusion fencing. planted approximately 72,275 native trees and shrubs, 6,130 pounds of native grass seed, and 2,016 grass plugs. planted approximately 72,275 native trees and shrubs, 6,130 pounds of native grass seed, and 2,016 grass plugs. placed 356 trees and rootwads instream. placed 356 trees and rootwads instream. installed 65 tree and rootwad revetments. installed 65 tree and rootwad revetments. improved 3 passage barriers with imminent. implementation of improvements at three additional sites. improved 3 passage barriers with imminent. implementation of improvements at three additional sites. conducted baseline and post-project monitoring. conducted baseline and post-project monitoring.
Project Site Locations
Project Objectives 1.Identification of detrimental land uses and development of watershed-level solutions to address habitat impacts. 2.Implementation and maintenance of habitat enhancement projects. 3.Collection of baseline and post-project monitoring data to identify habitat limiting factors and assess effects of habitat enhancements.
OBJECTIVE 1 Identification of detrimental land uses and the development of watershed-level solutions to address habitat impacts.
Identify Detrimental Land Uses
Habitat Limiting Factors Inadequate instream flows Inadequate instream flows High stream temperatures High stream temperatures Water chemistry impacts Water chemistry impacts High sediment loads High sediment loads Passage impediments Passage impediments Low instream habitat diversity Low instream habitat diversity Extensive channel and floodplain modifications Extensive channel and floodplain modifications Lack of sufficient riparian vegetation Lack of sufficient riparian vegetation
Develop Watershed Level Solutions Contribute to subbasin planning & watershed assessment efforts. Contribute to subbasin planning & watershed assessment efforts. Participate in interagency meetings & planning groups. Participate in interagency meetings & planning groups. Conduct public scoping meetings. Conduct public scoping meetings.
Provide Public Outreach Provide educational opportunities. Provide educational opportunities. Promote stream habitat restoration and protection. Promote stream habitat restoration and protection. Conduct local outreach to acquire community input. Conduct local outreach to acquire community input.
OBJECTIVE 2 Implementation and maintenance of habitat enhancement projects.
Secure Project Sites 1. Identify potential project sites. Watershed Assessment, Subbasin Summary, public outreach, interagency communication Watershed Assessment, Subbasin Summary, public outreach, interagency communication 2. Seek landowner cooperation and participation. 3. Develop long-term or perpetual agreements with landowners.
Plan Restoration Activities 1.Seek cost share opportunities. 2.Complete project designs. 3.Develop and secure permits and clearances. 4.Complete pre- implementation activities. 5.Solicit bids and award subcontracts.
Implement Restoration Activities Restoration options include: livestock exclusion fencing. livestock exclusion fencing. native plant community re- establishment. native plant community re- establishment. off-stream water developments. off-stream water developments. instream habitat enhancements. instream habitat enhancements. fish passage improvements. fish passage improvements.
NEW EASEMENTS JOHN ADAMS PROPERTY Wildhorse creek is a tributary to the Umatilla River – degraded stream channel and riparian area. Wildhorse creek is a tributary to the Umatilla River – degraded stream channel and riparian area. Cooperative project with the NRCS/FSA CREP program. Cooperative project with the NRCS/FSA CREP program. IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO: install fencing for livestock exclusion install fencing for livestock exclusion plant Willow and Cottonwood in CREP zone 1 (15 zone on each side of the stream). plant Willow and Cottonwood in CREP zone 1 (15 zone on each side of the stream). plant Elderberry, Rose, Currant, Hawthorn and Chokecherry in zone 2 (180 buffer in the riparian area outside of zone 1). plant Elderberry, Rose, Currant, Hawthorn and Chokecherry in zone 2 (180 buffer in the riparian area outside of zone 1). control noxious weeds for the duration of the easement. control noxious weeds for the duration of the easement.
ANTICIPATED ACTIVITIES LOWER MEACHAM CREEK Meacham and Birch creeks are the most productive tributaries to the Umatilla River for migratory salmonids. Meacham and Birch creeks are the most productive tributaries to the Umatilla River for migratory salmonids. Project implementation to be funded by the NRCS WHIP program. Project implementation to be funded by the NRCS WHIP program. IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO: Install large woody debris (logs with root wads intact) at strategic locations to reduce water velocity, create pool habitat and promote increased channel meander. Install large woody debris (logs with root wads intact) at strategic locations to reduce water velocity, create pool habitat and promote increased channel meander. Breach existing dikes at locations that confine the streams floodplain and decrease meander (with consent of and cooperation by the Union Pacific Railroad). Breach existing dikes at locations that confine the streams floodplain and decrease meander (with consent of and cooperation by the Union Pacific Railroad).
B & G RESOURCES PROPERTY Umatilla River miles Umatilla River miles Cooperative project with the NRCS/FSA CREP program Cooperative project with the NRCS/FSA CREP program IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO: install fencing with gates for livestock exclusion. install fencing with gates for livestock exclusion. dig two wells with watering troughs for livestock outside the riparian area. dig two wells with watering troughs for livestock outside the riparian area. plant some 200 acres to native grasses. plant some 200 acres to native grasses. control noxious weeds for the duration of the easement. control noxious weeds for the duration of the easement. B & G Resources Property
Maintain Project Sites O&M activities will be based on adaptive management and shall include: fence maintenance. fence maintenance. care of trees and shrubs. care of trees and shrubs. noxious weed control. noxious weed control. equipment maintenance. equipment maintenance.
OBJECTIVE 3 Collection of baseline and post-project monitoring data to identify habitat limiting factors and assess effects of habitat enhancements.
Monitoring Collect baseline data and conduct post-project monitoring to identify habitat limiting factors and to quantify effects of habitat enhancement measures: Stream channel cross sections Stream channel cross sections Permanent photopoints Permanent photopoints Habitat surveys Habitat surveys Macroinvertebrate surveys (5 streams, 10 stations) Macroinvertebrate surveys (5 streams, 10 stations) Stream temperatures (12 streams, 22 stations) Stream temperatures (12 streams, 22 stations) Suspended sediments (3 streams, 3 stations) Suspended sediments (3 streams, 3 stations)
Photopoints Meacham Creek 1988 Meacham Creek 2004
Photopoints Wildhorse Creek 1994 Wildhorse Creek 2000
Relation to Subbasin Plan Summary Proposal meets the following Umatilla/Willow Subbasin Plan strategies to: protect, enhance or restore water quality. protect, enhance or restore water quality. protect, enhance or restore instream and riparian habitat. protect, enhance or restore instream and riparian habitat. protect, enhance and restore instream flows to improve passage conditions. protect, enhance and restore instream flows to improve passage conditions. improve fish passage conditions. improve fish passage conditions. monitor and evaluate fish in relationship to instream and riparian habitat conditions. monitor and evaluate fish in relationship to instream and riparian habitat conditions.
In the Future... Future project efforts will be consistent with NPPCs FWP and are expected to include the: protecting of existing stronghold habitats protecting of existing stronghold habitats addressing of limiting factors through continued habitat enhancements utilizing the Umatilla/Willow Subbasin Plan assessment and inventory to prioritize projects. addressing of limiting factors through continued habitat enhancements utilizing the Umatilla/Willow Subbasin Plan assessment and inventory to prioritize projects. consolidating of existing project areas. consolidating of existing project areas. expanding partnerships and implementing cooperative restorative efforts. expanding partnerships and implementing cooperative restorative efforts. continuing public outreach efforts. continuing public outreach efforts.
Thank you for your interest.