Bull Trout Population and Habitat Surveys in the McKenzie and Middle Fork Willamette Presented by: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife February 22,


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Presentation transcript:

Bull Trout Population and Habitat Surveys in the McKenzie and Middle Fork Willamette Presented by: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife February 22, 2002 Project Number

Project Goal Attain population health and long term sustainability of bull trout and their habitat in the Upper Willamette Basin.


Project History ODFW - Initiated monitoring in McKenzie and Middle Fork Willamette BPA funded – Bull Trout Population and Habitat Surveys in the McKenzie and Middle Fork Willamette Basins 18 Cooperators

Project Partners Bonneville Power Administration Willamette National Forest US Fish and Wildlife Service Eugene Water and Electric Board Oregon Department of Transportation Oregon State Police Oregon Council Federation of Flyfishers McKenzie Flyfishers Trout Unlimited Native Fish Society National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Bring Back the Natives Program) Weyerhaeuser Company Bureau of Land Management McKenzie Watershed Council Saturday Academy (Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering) Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society Salvelinus confluentus Curiosity Society US Army Corps of Engineers

Upper Willamette Bull Trout Objectives Distribution Population Size Life History Characteristics Implement Rehabilitation Plan for MFW Effectiveness of Restrictive Angling Regulations Distribute Information

Methods Migration, Distribution, and Abundance Radio telemetry Standard pool counts Video cameras at Leaburg Dam and Sweetwater Creek Electronic fish counters in Anderson and Roaring River Trapping Day and night snorkeling

Bull Trout Distribution – McKenzie Basin Eugene Springfield Blue River Trail Bridge Dam South Fork McKenzie Leaburg Dam Cougar Dam McKenzie River

Bull Trout Distribution Middle Fork Willamette Springfield Eugene Oakridge Willamette River. Hills Creek Res. Fall Creek Little Fall Creek N. Fork Middle Fork Willamette Dexter Res. Lookout Point Res. Gold Lake Salt Cr. Waldo Lake Salmon Cr. One 35 cm bull trout

McKenzie Basin Bull Trout Redd Counts

Estimated Adult Population McKenzie and South Fork McKenzie Anderson Creek – – – Roaring River – – –200167

Bull Trout Spawning Run Timing Anderson Creek

Bull Trout Adult Length Frequency Anderson Creek

Bull Trout Migration - Time of Day Anderson Creek

Age 1+ Fry Downstream Migrant Trap Anderson Creek

Anderson Creek Bull Trout Juvenile Trapping (Fry)

Anderson Creek Bull Trout Juvenile Trapping (Age 1+) * Did not trap during final four weeks of the trapping season

Bull Trout Releases for Rehabilitation

Middle Fork Willamette Juvenile bull trout release sites Staley Cr Release Sites Middle Fork Willamette Hills Creek Reservoir Oakridge Swift Cr Hills Creek Dam

Hatchery Rainbow Trout Program Changes

Restrictive Angling Regulations YearLocationAction 1991Willamette BasinTaking bull trout prohibited 1992McKenzie River (Mainstem and South Fork) All wild trout must be released 1994McKenzie River (RK 105 to RK 133) Artificial flies and lures only 1997South Fork McKenzieArtificial flies and lures only 1997Trail Bridge ReservoirAll wild trout must be released 1997Middle Fork Willamette (above Hills Creek Res.) Artificial flies and lures only All wild trout must be released 2001Most McKenzie River tributaries and Trail Bridge Reservoir Artificial flies and lures only All wild trout must be released

Information Dissemination Upper Willamette Bull Trout Working Group

Project Summary Determined bull trout distribution, population size and trends Preliminary success with rehabilitation –Spawning in Sweetwater Creek –Sub-adult rearing in Middle Fork Willamette Angler awareness Information dissemination

Willamette Bull Trout 2003 Proposed Activities Re-introduction Study Obj 1 Feasibility & suitability study Obj 2 Collect & transfer bull trout Obj 3 Monitor re-introduced bull trout Obj 4 Monitor donor population Long Term Monitoring Obj 5 Monitor bull trout basin-wide

Objective 1 Feasibility & suitability study 1.Identify suitable introduction sites habitat temperature fish communities Assess donor population Test hatchery protocol

Objective 2 Collect & transfer bull trout Collect 10-20% out migrating fry from donor stream Identify with ventral clip Transfer half to introduction sites and half to Marion Forks Hatchery Rear in hatchery for approximately one year Transfer hatchery reared fish to introduction sites

Objective 3 Monitor re-introduced bull trout 1.Determine distribution 2.Estimate abundance of fish 3.Estimate growth 4.Estimate abundance of redds 5.Monitor stream temperatures

Objective 4 Monitor donor population Annual estimates of abundance for: Migrant juvenile Resident juvenile Adult Redds Determine long term trends

Objective 5 Monitor bull trout basin-wide 1.Determine annual abundance of spawning bull trout 2.Determine summer distribution 3.Relate abundance of spawning bull trout progress towards recovery goals

Willamette Subbasin Summary Re-introduction Study Assess potential to re-introduce bull trout in Santiam, Clackamas and Middle Fork Willamette watersheds Restore extirpated populations

Willamette Subbasin Summary Long Term Monitoring Coordination & integration of monitoring efforts Increased monitoring of status & trends Prioritize restoration & protection efforts Protect & recover existing fish populations