Lolo Creek Watershed Project #


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Presentation transcript:

Lolo Creek Watershed Project # 199607702 Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries Watershed Program

Lolo Creek is located in Central Idaho within the Clearwater River Sub-basin. Land ownership is a matrix of federal, private and state.

Partners Clearwater National Forest Potlatch Corporation Inc. State of Idaho Private Grazing Lessee

Lolo Creek Connectivity between DFRM Programs Watershed Restoration Production Research & Monitoring Cultural Importance

Funding Bonneville Power Administration NOAA Fisheries – Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (CRITFC) Potlatch Corporation Clearwater National Forest State of Idaho North Central Idaho Resource Advisory Committee

Limiting Factors Temperature Sediment In-stream cover Watershed disturbances (logging/grazing/roads) Habitat degradation (habitat loss) Passage

Objectives Coordination (cooperators/ESA consultation/permits/SHPO) Restore/enhance riparian and in-stream habitat Restore connectivity/passage Alleviate sediment associated with roads Monitoring and Evaluation

Accomplishments Cost-sharing with CNF, Potlatch Corp., and State of Idaho 15 miles fence construction (25,000 acres/ 6 miles stream protected) Over 50 miles road obliterated Eight culvert replacements & 4 culvert removals 300-feet bank stabilization Riparian Planting/Re-vegetation Culvert Inventory, Survey, and Prioritization

Cattle Exclusion Fence

Riparian Plantings

Streambanks Before Stabilization

Streambank Bioengineering Youth Conservation Corps

Road Surveys

Road Decomissioning

Culvert Inventory & Survey

Culvert Inventory & Replacement Prioritization 86 surveys 12 bridges 12 passable structures 10 sites with no structure 12% 14% 14% 60%

Burnt Creek Log Culvert Removal Before & After

Cedar Creek Culvert Replacement

Cedar Creek with Grade Control in Culvert – 2003

Cedar Creek Outlet August 2004

Monitoring Snorkeling Temperature Stream Habitat Road Obliteration Culverts

The Future Culvert Replacements Road Decommissioning Habitat Enhancement Riparian Re-vegetation Streambank Stabilization