NFC Based Automatic Railway Ticketing Project By: 1) Ankita Talekar 2) Anuja Lokhande 3) Uma Karandikar Project Guide: Prof. M. M. Dongre
What Is NFC ?
Mobile and NFC Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless connectivity technology 3
Metro is arriving in MUMBAI
The primary uses of NFC are to: Connect electronic devices, such as wireless components in a home office system or a headset with a mobile phone Access digital content, using a wireless device such as a cell phone to read a “smart” poster embedded with an RF tag Make contact less transactions, including those for payment, access and TICKETING.
WHY To stand In The Long Queues?? When your ticket is just a click away!!! Need For Virtual ticketing
One click but why to have intenet conncetivity all time So our system with one click & no Internet connectivity
Why X-Bee over Bluetooth Vs 1 meter Coverage Area Relatively complicated programming in JAVA 100 meters Coverage Area Use of C language in the programming
Set up at Station X-Bee Explorer With FTDI Chip Mount X-Bee Module Computer Server USB Cable
Ticket Block Diagram Rechargeable Battery (Power) AT Mega/328 Microcontroller X-Bee Shield Mount X-Bee Module LCD Keypad
Arduino UNO Microcontroller Board Arduino is an open- source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy- to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments
Heart of Our Project 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs) 6 analog inputs a 16 MHz crystal oscillator a USB connection, a power jack
X-Bee Module X-Bee is based on the (Zig Bee) standard designed for point-to-point and point-to-multipoint communications at over-the-air baud rates of 250 kbit/s
X-Bee Shield The XBee Shield simplifies the task of interfacing an XBee with your Arduino.
X-Bee Explorer USB
How to get the TICKET? Power on the Ticket. Power on the Ticket. Select the required Station. Select the required Station. Press OK. Press OK.
Balance Information! Deducted amount. Deducted amount. Remaining balance. Remaining balance. If the balance is insufficient to buy a ticket LCD will display the message “Insufficient Balance”. If the balance is insufficient to buy a ticket LCD will display the message “Insufficient Balance”.
What can still be included in this project? Auto-Deduction of the balance in case if ticket is not bought. Auto-Deduction of the balance in case if ticket is not bought. To calculate no. of passengers. To calculate no. of passengers. T.C. can recognize who has not bought the ticket. T.C. can recognize who has not bought the ticket.
Pros and Cons of the Project Advantages No long queue No long queue Small power consumption Small power consumption No internet connectivity No internet connectivity Easy recharge Easy recharge Unauthenticated Travellers cannot board the train. Unauthenticated Travellers cannot board the train.Disadvantages Costly Modules (But one time cost) Maximum coverage of 100 meters only
Applications On railway station for local train passenger. On railway station for local train passenger. On air ports to save boarding pass preparation & verification time. On air ports to save boarding pass preparation & verification time. In railway wagons. In railway wagons. In metro rails. In metro rails. In Local city buses & on bus stops In Local city buses & on bus stops In offices to monitor daily attendance of employee. In offices to monitor daily attendance of employee. In automation of car parking. In automation of car parking.
Any Thank You