The demographic transition is a way to visually show changes in population over time. A population pyramid shows the age-sex structure of a population.


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Presentation transcript:

The demographic transition is a way to visually show changes in population over time. A population pyramid shows the age-sex structure of a population as it is today and often matches with its demographic transition stage. In this lesson you will learn the stages of the demographic transition, how a population pyramid is made, and try predicting future population pyramids for a country.

Remote tribes today Kenya, much of sub-Sahara Africa Brazil, Mexico US, Sweden Germany? Japan?

Need more practice with the demographic transition Need more practice with the demographic transition? Maybe this video will help.

A population pyramid tells the number (or percent) of the population for males and females at various ages. - Which country is growing more rapidly? How can you tell? Which country has a higher population of senior citizens? Which is a developed and which is a developing country?

Is the population increasing, decreasing, or stable? Which demographic stage matches this pyramid?

http://www. demography. state. mn

Dakota County, MN,_Minnesota_age_pyramid.svg

Use the international database to see past, current, and future population pyramids for any country. Before you click on the link, predict: 2 countries that are rapidly increasing population. _______________________ _____________________ 2 countries that are stable in population. 1 country that is decreasing in population. _____________________________________________