Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish- Wit Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan Now A Regional Support Program Sponsored by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal.


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Presentation transcript:

Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish- Wit Watershed Assessment and Restoration Plan Now A Regional Support Program Sponsored by the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Project ID #

Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit A comprehensive plan to restore anadromous fishes to the rivers and streams that support the historical cultural and economic practices of the Tribes. The plan was written and ratified by the four Columbia River Tribes who form the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC): the Nez Perce Tribe, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, and the Yakama Nation.

Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit A basin wide plan for restoration of salmon as a tribal treaty resource and as an important component of ecological health of the region. The plan provides a framework for restoring anadromous fish stocks, specifically salmon, Pacific lamprey, and white sturgeon in upriver areas above Bonneville Dam.

The CRITFC Watershed Departments implementation of Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit is designed to provide effective and efficient watershed restoration through: Coordinating and conducting watershed assessment Coordinating habitat restoration/protection projects with current or proposed salmonid production and subbasin habitat objectives Streamlining on-the-ground habitat project implementation Organizing and coordinating the biological and physical evaluation and monitoring of watershed projects Organizing and coordinating water quality monitoring and evaluation of water quality effects on anadromous fish species Promoting public awareness and education of watershed restoration and protection projects in subbasins of the Columbia River.

As co-managers of the fish and wildlife resources, the Tribes role in basin wide planning and implementation will continue to be active and represented in NWPPC proceedings. CRITFC will continue in its unique roll of facilitating tribal involvement in restoration efforts consistent with basin wide goals for fish and wildlife recovery.

Objectives and Methods

Provide comprehensive coordination and tracking of tribally sponsored watershed protection & restoration projects to ensure timely on-the-ground project implementation and cost sharing within each subbasin. Provide assistance to the four tribes' fisheries programs in packaging and managing comprehensive watershed proposals and projects. Provide coordination to insure projects are integrated within the subbasin and consistent with regional plans. Maintain a project tracking system for tribal/subbasin projects. Promote cost sharing of subbasin watershed projects. Objective 1

Worked to secure funding for tribal projects and discuss collaborative opportunities National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Lower Columbia River Estuary Program Environmental Protection Agency The Spirit of the Salmon Fund Non-governmental sources U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Administration for Native Americans, Economic Development Administration Pacific Salmon Commission Flintridge Foundation. Oregon Governors Watershed Enhancement Board Washington State Governors Salmon Recovery Office Natural Resources Conservation Service The US Fish and Wildlife Service Bureau of Reclamation The Nature Conservancy Army Corps of Engineers Washington State University Objective 1 - Achievements

Provide technical support to tribes in developing & implementing scientifically sound watershed projects and promoting tribal land management strategies which protect salmon habitats within subbasins. Promote incorporation of standards in Tribal Restoration Handbook Coordinate and staff CRITFC Technical Advisory Team to assist project sponsors in developing projects consistent with Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit. Objective 2

Tribal Watershed Handbook Objective 2 - Achievements

Provide technical support to tribes & subbasin cooperators to assure federal, state, and private land managers implement accountable management plans consistent with the biological needs of fish, their habitats, and fishery management goals. Coordinate and staff CRITFC Technical Advisory Team to review proposed management plans to ensure tribal interests are integrated. Promote incorporation of standards in Tribal Restoration Handbook and tribal assessments of cultural resources into assessments and plans. Objective 3

Watershed Restoration Project Technical Advisory Team Objective 3 - Achievements

Provide technical support to tribes in conducting watershed assessments and subbasin planning as part of the NPPC Fish and Wildlife Program. Watershed Assessments: provide technical support, assistance with coordination, and funding assistance. Subbasin Planning: provide technical support, product review, and support in the NPPC funding process. Objective 4

Imnaha Subbasin Summary Objective 4 - Achievements Imnaha Subbasin Assessment May 31, 2002 Written by Craig Rabe, ecovista Darin Saul, ecovista Anne Davidson, ecovista Prepared for the Nez Perce Tribe and the Columbia River Inter Tribal Fisheries Commission

Grande Ronde GIS Mapping Objective 4 - Achievements

Maintain support for Salmon Corps program through participation in planning and coordination with Salmon Corps staff throughout the year. Support for local salmon restoration projects and cooperative mentorship program. Train crew members to collect field data and fill data gaps for assessments & project monitoring. Promote contracting with Salmon Corps to implement habitat restoration projects throughout the basin. Objective 5

Salmon Corps Training Objective 5 - Achievements

Support and develop tribally sponsored efforts in public outreach and education for subbasin watershed restoration and protection projects. Assist tribes with public outreach through community based meetings, workshops, and field tours of on-the-ground projects. Promote opportunities for local partnerships by documenting and publicizing success stories. Objective 6

Tribal Restoration Calendar Objective 6 - Achievements

Jammin for Salmon Objective 6 - Achievements

Organize and coordinate water quality projects in the mainstem Columbia River and its tributaries and evaluation of water quality effects on anadromous fish species. Support implementation of the Tribal Water Quality Improvement Program for Anadromous Fish. Coordinate development of a comprehensive water quality monitoring program for the Columbia River. Evaluate anadromous fish health issues in the mainstem Columbia River resulting from toxic contaminant exposure and collaborate to address concerns. Provide program support and capacity building for tribal water quality initiatives. Objective 7

2001 &2002 Columbia River Basin Tribal Water Quality Conferences Objective 7 - Achievements

Benefits to Fish and Wildlife The project provides information and coordination assistance, increasing the efficiency of funds spent. Project assistance promotes scientifically valid methods in tribal restoration planning and project implementation consistent with NWPPC goals. Water quality monitoring and evaluating effects on wildlife health will result in improvements in water quality management for habitat conditions.

Significance to Regional Programs The NWPPC Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program The Action Agencies Implementation Plans of the BiOp Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) Artificial Production Advisory Committee (APAC) Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans (HGMP) Water Quality Regional Programs Pacific Salmon Commission Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund

Our Thanks to Bonneville Power Administration for regional support of Tribal Watershed Programs.