Mary Donaghy & Judith Lees Managers, Mental Health & Children Project, Health & Social Care Board, Northern Ireland Damien Kavanagh Workshop A: Putting.


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Presentation transcript:

Mary Donaghy & Judith Lees Managers, Mental Health & Children Project, Health & Social Care Board, Northern Ireland Damien Kavanagh Workshop A: Putting the SCIE Parental Mental Health & Child Welfare Guide recommendations into practice and evaluating their impact in Northern Ireland

NORTHERN IRELAND PILOT SITE Mary Donaghy and Judith Lees 7 th July 2009


Background to Project Health & Social Care Structure - Northern Ireland Structure of Project Progress to Date Carers Perspective

VISION Improve outcomes for Parents with mental health issues and their children by establishing a “Think Individual, Think Family”. Model for planning and delivery of services

AIM Improve practice through enhanced collaborative working Better understanding of multi-disciplinary professionals’ roles and responsibilities

Minister DHSS&PS Agencies: Blood Transfusion Agency Guardian Ad Litem Social Care Council Regional Quality Inspection Authority 5 Health & Social Care Trusts 1 Ambulance Service 7 Local Commissioning Groups Primary Care/GP/ other independent Primary Care Providers Public Health Agency Patient & Client Council Health and Social Care Board Patients & Clients

STRUCTURE Mental Health & Children’s Services Project (Think individual Think Family) STRUCTURE DHSSPS Health & Social Care Board Think Individual Think Family Project Board Belfast Locality Project Team Southern Locality Project Team South Eastern Locality Project Team Western Locality Project Team Northern Locality Project Team Work Streams Work Streams Work Streams Work Streams Work Streams


OBJECTIVES Establish Project Board: Project Plan, resources, communication, and processes for Project Board. 2.Complete benchmarking within mental health and children’s services where interface occurs. 3.Establish Project Locality teams within 5 Trusts and agree Terms of reference. 4.To develop communication strategy. 5.Develop a regional protocol to manage cases across the mental health and children’s services.

6.Ensure referral//screening processes routinely and reliably identify and record information about parents who have a mental health illness. 7.The 5 Trusts will adapt existing assessment procedures to take account of Think Individual, Think Family model. 8.The 5 Trusts will adapt how care is planned, reviewed and provided to take account of Think Individual, Think Family model. 9.Develop a strategic approach to maintain change to the review and implementation of policy and practice. 10.Training Strategy will be developed to meet training and staff development requirements to address Think Individual, Think Family model.

Project Locality Teams/induction workshop Workstreams

“Familial Resilience” A Son’s Perspective Damien Kavanagh 7th July 2009

A Carer … Partner Sibling Friend Son Daughter You? Two definitions – of equal importance

Family Role Assist in assessment and diagnosis by providing medical histories and family information Contribute to decisions about the suitability of treatment based on past experience Advocate on the person’s behalf Provide a supportive network of relationships around the person as he/she recovers Provide practical, financial and emotional support along the person’s journey through recovery

The impact on the family Early feelings Feeling dazed Confused Angry Ashamed Guilty Afraid Health Shame and stigma (Normalisation) Relationships in and beyond the family Work and finance Compassion Fatigue Collective and Individual Resilience

Confidentiality “I need to know what you are trying to achieve for my son and how you are planning to do it. I need to understand the treatment that he is receiving so that I can play my part in his recovery programme. What I do not need to know are the personal details of what takes place between him and the professionals concerned.”

What Carers want …. Respect Humanity Listening Positive approach – Strengths and Resilience Information – Age specific Signposting Carers Assessments / Grants

The Dilemmas Child Protection and Wellbeing Individual Recovery and Wellbeing Family Recovery and Wellbeing Paperwork and ‘Risk’ Caseload Partnership and Stakeholder

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