S No. InterventionApproved Rate of Assistance UnitGOI ApprovedAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1 Demonstration of Improved Package of Practices Rs per Demon Nos Demonstration on System of Rice Intensification Rs per Demon Nos Demonstration on Hybrid Rice Technology Rs per Demon Nos Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seeds 0 A. Assistance for Production of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs per qtl Qtl B. Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs per qtl Qtl Assistance for Distribution of HYV Seeds Rs. 500 per qtl Qtl Seed Minikits of High Yielding Varieties Full Cost Nos Incentive for Micro Nutrients (In Deficient Soils) Rs. 500 per ha Ha Incentive for Liming in Acid Soils Rs. 500 per ha Ha Incentive for Cono weeder and other implements Rs per farmer per implement Nos Achievement ( )
S No. InterventionApproved Rate of Assistance UnitGOI ApprovedAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 10 Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio Pesticides Rs. 500 per ha Ha Farmers Training (Training of Farmers at FFS Pattern) Rs per trg. Nos Award for best Performing districtsRs. 500 lakh per year Nos International Exposure for Technical Knowledge enrichment to Technical staff of Central & State Govts. Rs Crore per Year Misc Expenditure a) Project Management Team and Other Misc Expenses at District Level b) Project Management Team and Other Misc Expenses at State Level Rs lakhs per State per year c) Misc. Expenses at National LevelRs lakhs per year Sub Total Contd… Rs. In Lakhs Achievement ( )
S No. InterventionApproved Rate of Assistance UnitGOI ApprovedAchievement Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 15 Publication Local Initiatives Sub Total Grand Total Rs. In Lakhs Achievement ( )
InterventionAssistanceUnitTentative Target (GOI) Target Proposed (State) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 1. Demon. Of Improved Package of Practices Rs. 2500/ demo Nos Demonstration on SRIRs. 3000/ demon Nos Demon. On Hybrid Rice Tech.Rs / demon Nos Support for Promotion of Hybrid Rice Seeds. A) Asst. for Production of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs. 1000/qtlQtl.0.00 B) Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seeds Rs. 2000/qtlQtl Assistance for Distribution of HYV Seeds Rs. 500/ qtlQtl Seed Minikits of HYV.Full CostNos Incentive for Micro Nutrients (In Deficient Soils) Rs. 500/haHa STATE ACTION PLAN ( )
InterventionAssistanceUnitTentative Target (GOI) Target Proposed (State) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 8. Incentive for Liming in Acid Soil Rs. 500 / haha Incentive for Conoweeder and other implements Rs. 3000/ machine/farmer Nos Incentive for Zero till seed drills (Tractors/ Bullock drawn) Rs / machine/ farmer Nos Incentive for Multicrop Planters Rs /machine/farmer Nos A. Incentive on Seed DrillsRs / machine/ farmer Nos Incentive on RotavatorsRs / machine/ farmer Nos Incentive for PumpsetsRs / machine/ farmer Nos Incentive on Power WeederRs / machine/ farmers Nos STATE ACTION PLAN ( )
InterventionAssistanceUnitTentative Target (GOI) Target Proposed (State) Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 16. Incentive on Knapsack sprayersRs / machine/ farmer Nos Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio-Agents Rs. 500 / haHa Farmers TrainingRs /Trg.Nos Award for Best Performing DistrictRs. 5 lakh / yearNos Misc. Expenditure A) Project Management Team and Other Misc. Expenses (Dist. Level) Rs lakh/ district/ year Nos B) Project Management Team and Other Misc. Expenses (State Level) Rs lakhs / State Nos Local Initiatives a. Incentive on Drum Seeder Rs. 3000/farmer/machi ne Nos b. Promotion of Organic Compost thorugh Vermicompost in SHG Rs lakh per group Nos Total STATE ACTION PLAN ( )
Component 1: - Demonstration of Improved Package of Practices Upland Var. – BVD-109, BVD-110, Vandana, Anjali Mid Land Var. – MTU-1010, Abhishek, Lalat, IR-64 Low Land Var. – Birsamati, Hazaridhan, MTU-7029, Rajendra Mahsuri S No. Name of District Area under paddy in ha Total Target (Demon.) Target for Unit Cost Demonstration Total Seed (q) Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) Up land Mid Land Low land 1Ranchi Rs. 2500/ demo n Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 2: Demonstration of SRI (Hybrid Rice) S No. Name of Dist Area under paddy (ha) Total Target (Demon.) Target for Unit cost Total Seed (q) Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) Variet y 1Ranchi Rs. 3000/ emo KRH- 2 2Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 3. Demonstration of Hybrid Rice Technology S N o. Name of District Area under Paddy in ha Proposed Target (Demon) Target for Unit Cost Seed Req (q) Total Cost (Rs. In Lakh) Var. 1Ranchi Rs. 3000/ Demon KRH-2 2Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 4B : Assistance for Distribution of Hybrid Rice Seeds S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha ( 20% SRR) Seed Allocated (q) Area covered (ha) Unit Cost Total Cost 1Ranchi Rs. 2000/q Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 5 : Assistant for Distribution of HYV Rice Seeds S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) Seed Allocated (q) Area covered (ha) Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Ranchi Rs. 500/q Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 6 : Seed Minikits of High Yielding Varieties S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) Seed Minikits Allocated (Nos.) Qty of Seeds (q) Area Covered (ha) 1Ranchi Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 7 : Incentive for Micronutrients in Deficient Soils S No. Name of District *Total Area (ha) *Area under Micronutrients Deficiency - Zn, Cu, B & Mb (ha) Area under Paddy (ha) Incentive for Micronutrient Deficient Soils (ha) ( ) Financial (Rs. In lakh) 1Ranchi Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 8 : Incentive for Liming in Acidic Soils S No. Name of District *Total Area (ha) *Area under Acidic Soils (ha) (pH<6.6) Area under Paddy (ha) Incentive for Liming (ha) ( ) Financia l (Rs. In lakh) pH<4.5pH>4.5 and <5.6 1Ranchi Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 9 : Incentive For Conoweeder S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) No. of Conoweeder Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1 Ranchi Rs. 3000/ Implement/ Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 10 : Incentive For Zero Till Seed Drill (Tractor/ Bullock Drawn) S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) No. of Zero Till Seed Drill Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1 Ranchi Rs / Implement/ Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 13 : Incentive For Rotavators S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) No. of Rotavators Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Rs / mplement / Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum
Component 14 : Incentive For Diesel Pump sets (5 HP or Above) S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) No. of Diesel Pump sets Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Rs / Implement/ Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 15 : Incentive For Power Weeders S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) No. of Power Weeders Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Rs / Implement / Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 16 : Incentive For Knap Sack Sprayers S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area ha (20% SRR) No. of Knap Sack Sprayers Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Rs. 3000/ Implement / Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 17 : Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio Agents (Trico 5 Card / ha/week-3 times) S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Targeted Area (ha) Trico 15 card/ha Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Rs.500/ha Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 18 : Farmers Training on FFS Pattern S No. Name of District Area under Paddy (ha) Proposed Area in ha (20% SRR) No. of FFS Training Rate of Assistanc e Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Rs.17000/ FS Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 19 : Award for Best Performing District Name of District District Awarded (Nos) Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1.Ranchi, 2.Simdega, 3.Gumla, 4.Hazaribagh 5.West Singhbhum 1 Rs.5.00 lakh /district 5.00
Component 20 : Misc. Expenditure Project Management Team Unit CostUnit (Nos.) Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) District LevelRs Lakhs/ Dist State LevelRs Lakh / State113.87
Component 21 A : Local Initiatives S No. Name of District Activity No. of Drum Seeder Rate of Assistance Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1Ranchi Incentive on Drum Seeder 144 Rs. 3000/ Implement/ Farmer Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Component 21 B : Local Initiatives S No. Name of District ActivityUnit Cost Unit (Nos) Total Cost (Rs. In Lakhs) 1 Ranchi Promotion of Organic Compost through Vermicompost in SHG groups Rs Lakh /Farmer Group Simdega Gumla Hazaribagh West Singhbhum Total
Preliminary Preparation for Work Plan Execution 1. Selection of beneficiaries farmers and type of land for different kind of demonstration. (one for every 100 ha rice area). 2. Selection of farmers for minikits distribution free of cost (one for every ha of Rice Area). 3. Selection of farmers for distribution of high yielding variety/ Hybrid Rice Seeds. 4. Soil testing of plot to be selected for demonstration/ minikit purposes. 5. Training of Beneficiary farmers of demonstration / minikit and to progressive farmers of each panchayat at the KVK level. 6. Assessment of availability of different critical inputs. 7. Selection of farmers and farmers group / SHG for farm mechanization. 8. Selection of farmers/ plot / size for farmers field school ( one for every 1000 ha of rice area). 9. Selection of women SHG of farmers family for establishment of vermicompost unit. 10. Selection of farmers having micronutrient / lime deficient rice area suitable for double cropping. 11. Preliminary management of trico card preparation for ha rice area by BAU. 12. Emphasizing SRI technology of Rice cultivation using hybrid rice seeds.
Criteria for Identification of Areas and Beneficiaries In accordance with the decision of the Governement of India regarding implementation of Special Component Plan (SCP) for Scheduled Castes and Tribal sub-Plan for scheduled tribes. 16% of the total allocation for SCP and 8% for TSP will be earmarked. At least 33% allocation of the fund is to be made for small, marginal and women farmers. The allocation to SC/ST farmers will be made proportionate to their population in the district. NFSM GUIDELINES PARA -11.2, 11.1
DFSMEC will have representatives from the line Departments concerned including SAUs, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), ATMA, progressive farmers, Self Help Groups of farmers and reputed NGOs as its members. The Deputy Director (Agriculture)/ District Agriculture Officer will be the Member Secreatry of the DFSMEC. The Constitution of the DFSMEC will be as Follows: i.District Collector / CEO of ZIla Parshad - Chairman ii.Representative from the line Depts. -Member iii.Nominated Progressive Farmers -Member iv.Representative from SHGs of Farmers-Member v.Representative from reputed NGOs- Member vi.Representative of KVK/ SAU in the Dist-Member vii.Project Director, ATMA-Member viii. Deputy Director (Agriculture)/ District Agriculture Officer -Member Secretary NFSM GUIDELINES PARA CONSTITUTION OF DFSMEC
A district level seed committee will be constituted by the Chairman of DFSMEC which will be tasked to verity the list of beneficiaries of seeds, its indent and the ultimate distribution to end users. In case the subsidy on seed is administered at source, the list of beneficiaries may be approved post-factor subject to random verification. DISTRICT LEVEL SEED COMMITTEE NFSM GUIDELINES PARA -11.6
At the State level, the activities of the Mission will be monitored by a committee to be constituted under the Chairmanship of the State Mission Director with members from the Line departments, SAUs, lead Banks, ICAR institutes and the national crop development directorates nodal for the state. Structure of the Monitoring Committee 1.State Mission Director -Chairman 2.Director (Res.), BAU-Member 3.Senior Scientist, CURRS, Hazaribagh -Member 4.Dr. M. C. Diwakar, Director, DRD, Patna-Member 5.Representative of Lead Bank-Member 6.All Project Director/ DAO of NFSM district-Member 7.All I/C KVK of NFSM District-Member 8.Faculty (I.T), Extension Reforms - Member Secretary NFSM GUIDELINES PARA -8.4 CONSTITUTION OF MONITORING COMMITTEE
SFSMEC shall set up a “State Publicity Campaign Sub-Committee on NFSM” which will be responsible for all publicity matters including decision on use of funds, concerning NFSM. This sub committee would function under the overall guidance and control of SFSMEC. Structure of the Committee 1.State Mission Director-Chairman 2.Dr. B. K. Jha, Asst. Professor, BAU-Member 3.Dr. Satpriya, Asst Professor, BAU-Member 4.Representative Directorate of Public Relation-Member NFSM GUIDELINES PARA CONSTITUTION OF STATE PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN SUB-COMMITTEE
Verification of Seed and other inputs by the officer of department not below the rank of Dy. Director 1.Ranchi- Joint Director Agriculture, Ranchi 2.Gumla, Simdega- Dy. Director Agriculture, Ranchi 3.West Singhbhum- District Soil Conservation Officer, West Singhbhum 4.Hazaribagh - Dy. Director Agriculture (Farm), Hazaribagh
SFSMEC would nominate the agency and fix the cost of the farm implements for supplying the same to the selected farmers. Structure of the Committee 1. Director Agriculture, Jharkhand, Ranchi - Chairman 2.Head, Agril. Engg, BAU. - Member 3.Dy. Director Agriculture (Ag. Engg), Directorate of Agril.-Member 4.Representative of Minor Irrigation of the Irrigation Dept -Member 5.State Mission Director (NFSM) - Member Secretary 6.District Account Officer, Ranchi (Rep. of Finance Dept.)Member 7.General Manager, District Industries Center, Ranchi (Representative of Industries Dept.) -Member NFSM GUIDELINES PARA VII
The performance of the districts will be judged by assigning weights to various activities on a scale of 100. The highest scoring district in a State will be selected for the award. Following criteria will be adopted to judge the performance of the districts. Set of ParametersWeightage a.Increase in Productivity of the crop-rice, wheat, pulses30 b.Utilization of funds in terms of physical and financial targets20 c.Increase in Seed Replacement rate 10 d.Adoption of balanced use of fertilizers 10 e.Integrated Pest Management 10 f.Capacity Building of farmers 5 g.Adoption of resource conservation technologies 5 h.Reclamation of saline/acidic soils 5 i.Adoption of local initiatives 5 Total 100 NFSM GUIDELINES PARA VII
Monitoring and Reporting 1.Monitoring at the District level by DFSMEC 2.Monitoring at the State Level by the State Mission Director 3.Monthly Progress Report by 5 th of every month. 4.Quarter Progress Report by the end of quarter. 5.Annual Progress Report by the end of financial year.