Management Implications of ISAB Tagging Report #2009-1 Council Meeting June 9, 2009 Whitefish, Montana.


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Presentation transcript:

Management Implications of ISAB Tagging Report # Council Meeting June 9, 2009 Whitefish, Montana

2 Items for Discussion Background of Review Report Recommendations Coordination Cost-effectiveness Innovative Technologies Close data collection gaps Compatibility of results Management implications

3 Background ISRP suggested a tagging review in 2006 following FY project review cycle Review timely because tagging data used for management decisions In July 2007, Council requested a science review of tagging technologies in basin Council posed 6 specific questions for science panels to address during review

4 Recommendations to Improve Coordination of Tagging Projects FWP projects should include a tagging coordination plan A web-based information network should be developed Establish an expert tagging committee

5 Recommendations to Improve Cost- Effectiveness of Tagging Projects Develop a FWP monitoring/tagging framework for anadromous fish – already underway Project proposals should include a review of costs of different tagging technologies

6 Recommendations to Encourage Development and Use of Innovative Tagging Technologies Best strategy is to continue to develop several tag technologies that can be used in combination to address management needs Develop or improve surgical techniques for tag insertion or external attachment to reduce tagging effects

7 Recommendations Related to Specific Tagging Technologies-I Continue to develop technologies for genetic markers for salmon and stlhd. Further development of otolith thermal marking as an alternative to CWTs Develop and install instream PIT-tag detectors in key tributaries & at dams

8 Pictures of Various Tags

9 Recommendations Related to Specific Tagging Technologies-II Continue to reduce size of acoustic tag while increasing battery life Develop an acoustic receiver system to track fish tagged with all types of acoustic tags Continue to develop receivers that can be remotely downloaded Continue to evaluate long-term effects of acoustic tags on salmon behavior and survival

10 Recommendations Related to Specific Tagging Technologies-III Develop smaller radio tag transmitters with longer battery life and no antenna Develop and use underwater antennas in depths greater than 9 meters (~30 ft.) Increase number of unique tag codes Develop sensor technology for juvenile salmon radio tags Use radio tags with PIT tags to address management needs in freshwater

11 Recommendations to Close Gaps in Capacity to Collect Life History Data Employ PIT-tag detection capability in key tributaries Determine whether hatchery fish can be used as surrogates for wild fish Tag/mark 100% of CRB hatchery fish

12 Recommendations to Close Gaps in Capacity to Collect Life History Data All tagging projects should document statistical validity of tagging and tag recovery rates Implement the reproductive & long-term M&E projects identified by AHSWG Evaluate long-term effects of various tags on salmon behavior and survival, incl. tag shedding

13 Recommendations to Improve Compatibility of Results All FWP projects with ocean port and lower river sampling for CWT recovery should address tagging and tag recovery issues Determine whether vital biological rates using data from tagged hatchery fish are representative of wild fish

14 Management Implications for Next FWP Project Review Cycle-I All FWP projects involving tagging should include a coordination plan A web-based information network should be developed for all fish tagging projects All FWP projects with ocean port and lower river sampling for CWT recovery should address tagging and tag recovery issues

15 Management Implications for Next FWP Project Review Cycle-II All tagging projects should document statistical validity of tagging and tag recovery rates All FWP p roject proposals should include a review of application and costs of different tagging technologies Region should establish an expert tagging/marking committee