Cataloging an online document John Gallwey GTRIC meeting Sunday June 15, 2008 SLA Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington
Technical reports online Technical reports are being published on the internet as well in print. Some reports appear exclusively online. Most technical reports are now born digital, from word processor to website. The printed report is almost a by-product.
Formats of online documents PDF (Portable Document Format) is the most commonly used. Some reports are still published in HTML format. For this demonstration we will use a report in PDF format.
How online reports are different They are bodiless; they have no physical dimensions. Being bodiless they cannot be shelved, so they do not require call numbers. Their continued existence is not within our control. Websites get redesigned, URLs change, documents get deleted.
Cataloging online documents vs. cataloging printed documents Not very different! Most fields (e.g. title, author, publisher, notes, subjects) are the same. If you can catalog a printed report you can manage an online report. The URL must be included in the record. It will provided immediate access to the document for the catalog user
Marc fields peculiar to online docs 007 c $b r $d c $e n 516 Text document in PDF format. 546 Mode of access: World Wide Web. 500 Title from PDF title page (viewed on June 6, 2008). 856 the documents URL
300 marc field for a PDF The marc 300 field contains information on a documents physical characteristics, but it is formatted slightly differently for digital documents 300 *** p. : $b digital, PDF file with col. ill., col. charts. (For a printed document, the $b field would give information on illustration, and a $c field would give the documents physical dimensions, i.e. 28 cm.)
007 marc field The 007 field contains codes for describing the physical characteristics of a computer file. 007 [$a] c $b r $d c $e n Subfield a: c (computer file) Subfield b: r (remote access) Subfield d: c (contains color) Subfield e: n (dimensions: not applicable)
516 marc field A standard note to indicate the documents format. 516 Text document in PDF format.
546 marc field A standard note to indicate how the document is accessed. 546 Mode of access: World Wide Web.
500 marc field A standard note showing where the documents title was derived, and the date of viewing. 500 Title from PDF title page (viewed on May 1, 2008).
856 marc field The 856 field is where the URL (Uniform Resource Link, the documents address on the internet) is inserted $u technology/report/FMCSA-H2-Regs-and-Inspections-Final- Report-Nov2007.pdfhttp:// technology/report/FMCSA-H2-Regs-and-Inspections-Final- Report-Nov2007.pdf ( Yes, a typically lengthy and complex URL! Dont fray your sanity trying to enter a URL manually; copy and paste it from the PDFs web page instead.)
PDF title page Despite the lengthy title, this is a relatively tidy title page.
Technical report documentation page Technical report numbers. Authors. Performing and sponsoring organizations. Abstract. Subject keywords
OCLC blank work form OCLC provides work forms for various media. For online reports use the Books work form.
Constant Data for online documents Constant Data removes the necessity for entering recurring information every time a new record is created
Applying the Constant Data record
Workform with CD record applied The OCLC workform is flexible; new fields can be inserted anywhere, and moved about within the record.
Title field (245) added The 245 field contains the title, subtitle and authors. It also contains a subfield ($h) that specifies the medium; in this case Electronic resource
Publishing details (260 field) added Place of publication, publisher and year of publication. (With technical reports, it can be hard to figure out who is the publisher; in the end its often the catalogers decision.)
536 field added The 536 field specifies the agencies that performed the research, and the researchs sponsors. It also gives the contract and project numbers.
Subject headings (650 fields) added Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) are used. Transportation Research Thesaurus (TRT) headings can also be used, to cover gaps in LCSHs coverage.
Performing and sponsoring agencies The performing agency and the sponsoring agency. They go into the 536 field, and both are entered as corporate authors in 710 fields.
Corporate authors (710 fields) added The performing and sponsoring agencies are entered as corporate authors.
Adding the URL (856 field) The all-important URL, which will provide direct access to the document from the bibliographic record, goes into the 856 field.
Almost done All the necessary fields are filled, and the bibliographic record is ready for addition to the OCLC database.
Done! This is OCLC bibliographic record #
WorldCat The record as it appears in WorldCat, the public face of the OCLC database.
Melvyl The record as it appears in Melvyl, the union catalog of the University of California libraries.
For further enjoyment Intner, Sheila S. with Sally C. Tseng, Mary Lynette Larsgaard (eds.) Electronic cataloging : AACR2 and metadata for serials and monographs. Haworth Information Press, c2003. ISBN: Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA. Available from: Completion of RDA (Resource Description and Access) the successor to AACR (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules) is expected towards the end of Special cataloging guidelines. In: OCLC bibliographic formats and standards. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, Available from: Contains a brief but useful outline of the Marc fields used to catalog reports. Subject guide for U.S. government technical reports. San Diego, Calif.: San Diego State University Library, Available from: Contains much useful information on the nature of government technical reports. Weber, Mary Beth. Cataloging nonprint and Internet resources : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians. Neal-Schuman, ISBN:
Contact information John Gallwey Harmer E. Davis Transportation Library 409 McLaughlin Hall, MC1720 Berkeley, CA (510)