YTAHP Yakima Tributary Access & Habitat Program Update –
Carol A. Ready, MS
Goal Restore fish passage to Yakima River Tributaries that historically supported salmon and to improve habitat in areas where access is restored.
Players KCWP Kittitas Co. Water Purveyors KCCD Kittitas Co. Conservation District NYCD No. Yakima Conservation District WDFW WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife YN Yakama Nation (Safe Access)
Administration RC&D South Central Washington Resource Conservation and Development Council (NRCS – Dept of Ag)
RC&D Administration Coordination Meetings Vouchers Keeping all parties on task Indispensable player
In the Beginning... Extend Phase 2 to tributaries Participants CDs, BOR, WDFW, YN, Irrigation Funding Strategic Plan Energy & Enthusiasm
Funding BPA Bonneville Power Administration SRFB Salmon Recovery $ Board FRIMA Fisheries Restoration EQIP Envtl Quality Incentives Program Irrigation Efficiencies
Approach Early Actions Strategic Plan as guidance Project Prioritization Existing Information Stream Assessments Project Implementation
Early Actions Cooke Creek Siphon Ahtanum Diversions 13 & 14 Coleman, Cabin Creek Cowiche Pump Screens 11 Engineering Project Plans Procurement
Cooke Creek Siphon, 2003 Early Actions
Cooke Creek EWC Facilities
Cooke Creek - Pumps, Pipes & Water in Trust
Cabin/Dry, Coleman Creeks Early Actions
Ahtanum Creek
Stream Assessments Survey Identify features Barriers, Riffles, Pools Some Notes on Riparian Data Base ala SSHEAR PIs, SPIs
Stream Miles Kittitas ~ 153 mi Yakima ~ 155 mi
Kittitas ~ 153 miles Walked miles
Streams* Kittitas Wilson, Reecer-Currier, Cooke, Coleman, Parke, Dry, Mercer, Naneum, Cherry, Teanaway Yakima Cowiche, Ahtanum, Wide Hollow * Reports or drafts prepared
Tributary Teams Interested Parties Develop Trust Examine Stream Data Determine Work Plan Work with Core Team
Core Team Priorities across Watershed YTHAP Budget Permit Coordination Big Picture Networking
Technical Workgroup, TWiG Tour Critical Review Broad Input Advise Sponsor Alternatives Permit Asstance Dike to east (LB) 2-ft. pipe on RB FLOW
Project Implementation Selection Survey Permits Engineering Construction Monitoring
Project Results Wilson Creek – 8 miles, 3 cfs Cooke Creek – 2 miles, 4 cfs Big Creek – 9 miles, 1 cfs Habitat Enhancement Teanaway, Cowiche, Wilson
Parlayed Funding SRFB - $ 720,300 ($800k 05) EQIP - $ 211,000 IE –$1,190,000 Other - $ 355,000 $ 2,475,300
Successes Landowner Involvement Coordination & Collaboration Permit Point Person Yakama Nation – Safe Access TWiG – vet & improve projects Roster – engineering & survey
Challenges Water Right Transfers (POD) Building Trust Easements Liability & Insurance Sequencing Work On-site Power
Lower Wilson Creek
Town Canal Bull Canal Cooke Creek Little Naneum Creek Naneum Creek Coleman Creek Caribou Creek Park Creek I-82 I-90 Ellensburg Kittitas Wilson Creek N Bull Canal – Wilson Creek Screen/Ladder Sorensen Snowden Existing Bull Canal Original Screen Snowden Proposed Ludwick Existing Ludwick Proposed YTAHP Siphon & Screen Proposed YTAHP Grade Controls Culvert Removal Eaton Little Naneum Siphon Proposed Eaton Project – Formerly contemplated under Safe Access with a BPA cost-share, was constructed by KCCD using Safe Access SRFB funding and permitting. YTAHP Projects Pumps covered under the Biological Assessment for Lower Wilson and Naneum Creeks. Ludwicks existing diversion will be replaced by a pump at Eatons former diversion site. Snowdens new pump diversion will be moved to a location just north of the Bull Canal/Wilson screen. The Sorensen pump will be located in the same place as his former gravity diversion. Gravity screens. The original Bull Canal screen at the Yakima River will be removed allowing fish to be conveyed to Wilson Creek now that diversions and barriers downstream are passable. The screen and ladder at Bull Canal/Wilson were constructed during , preventing entrainment of salmonids in Bull Canal to the southeast. Yakima River YTAHP Rosbach Pressurized System
The Gov.
Wilson Creek Bull Canal Check Dam Fish Ladder 3-Drum Screen – 42 cfs; Cost $565,000 Constructed by USBR - Winter of Bull Ditch Screens
YTAHP Next Steps FY05 SRFB Process WA Water Trust Coordination Ecology Rep. on Core Team Collaboration City, County, Reclamation, Others Continued Networking
Questions? Courtesy of Patrick Monk