Current Event The Air Car Factories will likely be up and running to make these cars around Compressed air is used to drive pistons instead of combusting gas. A small gas-powered motor in the car runs an air compressor. But you can go 60 miles on a single tank of compressed air.
The cars will cost around $20,000. The Chevy Volt out in November is expected to cost in the mid to high 30s. A tax credit of around $7500 will apply to both.
Percentages (A Review) Percent means “per one hundred”. 10% means 10/100. Which also means 1/10. If you have a calculator, you can divide tax amount by income. Person A makes $50, pays $5 in taxes. Person B makes $25, pays $5 in taxes. What percent of their income did each pay?
Problem #1 Joe Dirt earned $20,000 in He paid $6,000 in income taxes. Ritchie Rich earned $250,000 that year. He paid $6,000 in income taxes. A) What percent of his income did Joe pay? B) What percent of his income did Ritchie pay?
Problem #2 Joe Dirt earned $20,000 in He paid $2,000 in income taxes. Ritchie Rich earned $250,000 that year. He paid $25,000 in income taxes. A) What percent of his income did Joe pay? B) What percent of his income did Ritchie pay?
Problem #3 Joe Dirt earned $20,000 in He paid $2,000 in income taxes. Ritchie Rich earned $250,000 that year. He paid $62,500 in income taxes. A) What percent of his income did Joe pay? B) What percent of his income did Ritchie pay?
Problem #4 Joe Dirt earned $20,000 in He was living paycheck to paycheck, & couldn’t afford to save any money. Ritchie Rich earned $250,000 that year. He saved 50% of his income. Sales tax in their state is 7% on all purchases. A) How much money did Joe pay in sales taxes? B) How much money did Ritchie pay in sales taxes? C) What percent of his income did Joe pay in sales tax? D) What percent of his income did Ritchie pay in sales tax?
Look at your paper. Which income tax system do YOU think is most fair? A) Problem 1 B) Problem 2 C) Problem 3
Regarding income tax A) everyone should pay the same percent of their income. B) the wealthy should pay a higher percent of their income than the poor. C) the poor should pay a higher percent of their income than the wealthy.
Look at your paper. Which income tax system is most like our actual income tax? A) Problem 1 B) Problem 2 C) Problem 3
Who would be hurt MORE by a higher sales tax? A) Joe B) Ritchie
I think the dumbest tax is the A) sales tax B) income tax C) property tax D) excise tax (taxes on specific things like cigarettes, alcohol, gasoline)
I think the best tax is the A) sales tax B) income tax C) property tax D) excise tax (taxes on specific things like cigarettes, alcohol, gasoline)
Should the government tax unhealthy foods (soda, fast food, donuts, etc.) to keep health care costs down? A) Yea! B) Nay!
Right now, I believe the government should A) cut taxes and cut spending. B) cut taxes and leave spending unchanged. C) cut taxes and increase spending. D) raise taxes and cut spending. E) raise taxes and leave spending unchanged. F) raise taxes and increase spending.
Say the government decides to tax prescription drug companies for each sale they make. Who is hurt most by that tax? A) The drug makers. B) The drug buyers.
Types of Taxes Proportional tax - everyone pays same percentage of income (Medicare, 1.45%). Progressive tax - higher percentage of total income paid by people with higher incomes (income tax). Regressive tax - higher percentage of total income paid by people with lower incomes (sales tax).
Why progressive?? Marginal utility Income inequality
$10,000 income $1,000,000 $10,000 spends $800,000 $700 7% sales tax paid $56,000 7% percent of total income paid 5.6% Poor guy pays higher percent of his income than rich guy in sales tax!
Problems 5) I make $20,000/yr and pay $4,000 in taxes. You make $100,000/yr and pay $10,000. What kind of tax is this? 6) I make $80,000/yr and pay $24,000 in taxes. You make $25,000 and pay $2,500. What kind of tax is this? 7) I make $150,000/yr and pay $30,000 in taxes. You make $200,000/yr and pay $40,000. What kind of tax is this?
Personal Income Taxes ½ of the federal revenue. Depending on amount withheld from checks, you could owe or get a refund. progressive
2010 Income Tax Rates
$4,681.25= [15% X (34,000-8,375)]
A guy who made $1,000,000 last year paid... Step 1: $1,000,000 - $373,650 = $626,350 Step 2: 0.35 X $626,350 = $219, Step 3: $219, $108, = $327, in taxes
8) The average high school teacher salary is $43,000 a year. How much does the average teacher pay in income taxes??
These dollar amounts get a little bigger every year. Why is that?
Tax Incentives College education Healthy lifestyle Save and/or invest your money Make your home more energy efficient/buy a more energy efficient car Buy a home Have babies Some Tax Incentives Some Tax Incentives Some Tax Incentives
Current Event(s) Proposed Tax on Sugary Beverages Debated –President Obama has said it is worth considering. –Coca-Cola calls the idea outrageous. –It’s estimated that a penny/ounce tax on sugary beverages would raise $14.9 billion in its first year.
Last June, the soft drink industry created an organization called “Americans Against Food Taxes”. Americans Against Food TaxesAmericans Against Food Taxes AAFT bought a full-page ad in the Washington Post last Sunday, and has been running commercials on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.
4. Which is most closely associated with a progressive tax? A) sales tax B) property tax C) Medicare D) income tax
7. Person A earns $20,000/yr & pays $2,000 in taxes. Person B earns $100,000/yr & pays $10,000. The tax they both paid was a: A) Sin Tax B) Progressive Tax C) Regressive Tax D) Proportional Tax
8. Person A earns $20,000/yr & pays $2,000 in taxes. Person B earns $100,000/yr & pays $15,000. The tax they both paid was a: A) Sin Tax B) Progressive Tax C) Regressive Tax D) Proportional Tax
9. 9. I make $50,000/yr and pay $10,000 in taxes. You make $100,000/yr and pay $15,000. What kind of tax is this? A) Sin Tax B) Progressive Tax C) Regressive Tax D) Proportional Tax
I make $20,000/yr and pay $4,000 in taxes. You make $100,000/yr and pay $10,000. What kind of tax is this? A) Sin Tax B) Progressive Tax C) Regressive Tax D) Proportional Tax
FICA Taxes Social Security, Medicare (elderly/disabled). SS proportional (6.2%) up to $107k; not paid above that. So it’s ultimately REGRESSIVE. Medicare 1.45%
Are We Overpaying Grandpa? As baby-boomers retire, more social security checks are going out. People are living longer, and collecting SS longer. Gov’t SS & health programs for the elderly spend about $40k/yr on average per elderly American. That’s equal to the average American’s annual income.
II. FICA Taxes
III. Corporate Income Taxes 3 rd biggest source of revenue.
Listen Basic corporate income tax brackets: 15% up to $50k 25% between $50k & $75k 34% $75k & up
V. State Gov’t Revenue Sources 1 st -Federal gov’t 2 nd -Sales tax 3 rd -State income tax (progressive)
VI. Local Gov’t Revenue Sources 1 st -State and Federal Gov’t 2 nd -Property taxes
The Flat Tax - Listen Advantages: Simple Would eliminate loopholes By reducing need for the IRS and accountants, could save up to $100 billion per year Disadvantages: Removes behavior incentives of current tax code Benefits the wealthy at the expense of the poor.
Where They Get Their Money From Federal Government –1:personal income tax (progressive) –2:FICA Social Security (6.2%, capped at $102k) Medicare (1.45%, proportional) –3:corporate income tax (progressive) State Governments –1:Federal Government –2:sales tax (regressive) –3:state income tax (progressive) Local Governments –1:Federal/State –2:property (usually progressive)
3. Medicare is a A) Progressive Tax B) Regressive Tax C) Proportional Tax D) Sin Tax
7. Person A earns $20,000 a year & pays $4,500 in taxes. Person B earns $100,000 a year & pays $10,000 in taxes. The tax they both paid was a: A) Sin Tax B) Progressive Tax C) Regressive Tax D) Proportional Tax
8. Person A earns $20,000 a year & pays $2,000 in taxes. Person B earns $100,000 a year & pays $20,000 in taxes. The tax they both paid was a: A) Sin Tax B) Progressive Tax C) Regressive Tax D) Proportional Tax
I. Economic Impact of Taxes - Continued This could show the effect of a tax on prescription medicine. This might be the effect of a tax on candy bars.
Random Tax Stuff The Obama Administration The Obama Administration The Obama Administration Fair Tax Fair Tax Fair Tax Freedom Works Freedom Works Freedom Works Some tax incentives (in common language) Some tax incentives (in common language) Some tax incentives (in common language)