Bobby Wildasin, Kayla Davis, and Molly Lucabaugh
Follow these steps when you write the description of your business Design a mission statement Design a mission statement for the business on a full sheet of paper Arrange the page in landscape format by turning the page sideways If you are using Microsoft Word, select file, page setup, margins, and landscape The mission statement should: Include the words mission statement and the business name Give a short statement of the purpose of the business Create interest with appropriate art Include a page border Organize a notebook for your business plan Find an appropriate report cover to keep all materials you will gather as you write your business plan, such as a 3-ring binder or folder. If possible, obtain section dividers to better organize the materials for your notebook
Compose an introductory paragraph Describe how you came up with the business idea and why you think it will work Provide a start- up date for the business Mention the mission statement and where to find it
Write a description of your goals for the business Short-Term Goals To obtain a loan of $60,000 for the business To have 2,000 regular customers by the end of the year To design a web page on the internet To obtain a profit margin of at least 10 percent Long-Term Goals To pay off long-term loans within 5 years To have 200 clients within 3 years To generate 60% of sales from local customers and 40% of sales from out-of-town customers To increase the profit margin to 25 percent Include One or two introductory sentences Your list of goals
Products or services your business will offer Explain what makes your product or service more desirable than what it already is on the market Tell Benefits your customers will receive from buying your product or service Describe the strengths and weaknesses of your product or service Compose a paragraph describing the products or services your business will offer it should
Write a legal document for your business Articles of incorporation Partnership Agreement Articles of organization
Describing your business organization Compose a paragraph describing your business organization this section should Describe the main focus of the business Explain if you will open a new business, take over an existing business, or start a franchise operation Mention the legal document for your business and where to find it Tell how your business will be organized
Design a floor plan Include the title FLOOR PLAN FOR YOUR BUSINESS at the top of the floor plan
Compose a paragraph describing the location of your business this should Tell the location of the business Give arguments for why this is a good location Explain how you will pay for the business’s property