Fishery Management Overview - Context Sponsored By: Colville Confederated Tribes Presented By: Stephen Smith.


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Presentation transcript:

Fishery Management Overview - Context Sponsored By: Colville Confederated Tribes Presented By: Stephen Smith

Management Goals 1. Restore natural-spawning populations in historic habitats 2. Create reliable & predictable runs of hatchery-origin fish for Colville C&S fisheries 3. Create hatchery-origin runs for recreational fisheries

A Columbia River ecosystem that sustains an abundant, productive, and diverse community of fish and wildlife, mitigating across the basin for the adverse effects to fish and wildlife caused by the development and operation of the hydro-system and providing benefits from fish and wildlife valued by the people of the region. This ecosystem provides abundant opportunities for tribal trust and treaty right harvest and for non- tribal harvest and the conditions that allow for the recovery of the fish and wildlife affected by the operation of the hydro-system and listed under the Endangered Species Act. (NWPPC, 2000)

A Problem: Okanogan River – Unmet Mitigation Grand Coulee: 60 + year deferral on the Okanogan Mid-Columbia PUD Dams: Run sizes (0) x 7% = 0 Corps Columbia Dams: No mitigation for 10%-15% losses/dam ESA: Okanogan = low priority

Colville Trust Fisheries 5 steelhead fisheries & 3 spring chinook fisheries have been eliminated since 1998 Only annual fishery is a summer chinook hook & line (snag) fishery at base of Chief Joseph Dam 10-year ave. annual harvest at Chief Joseph Dam: 500 summer chinook and 130 steelhead Comparatively, 10-year ave. annual harvest in Zone 6 tribal fisheries: 20,000 spring chinook, 29,000 steelhead, 49,000 fall chinook, 2,800 coho In Zones 1-5, 10-year ave. annual commercial harvest: 13,000 fall chinook, 91,000 coho