Graduation Project Pender County Schools.
Goals: The Graduation Project will: create students who will be independent and lifelong learners. create an environment that fosters cross-curricular mentorship and resources. invite community involvement with the school in the form of mentorship, resources, and student recognition. provide a venue for students to connect learning, life, and work.
Why Graduation Project? Students choose their own topics based upon their interests and future goals. Students integrate learning from various high school disciplines. Students apply learning to real-world context. Students to stretch beyond current accomplishments. Students experience service learning. Students gain skills in organization, time management, self-advocacy, and self-reflection.
Requirements The Graduation Project is divided into four components: RESEARCH PAPER PRODUCT PRESENTATION PORTFOLIO
RESEARCH PAPER 6-9 pages 6 minimum sources (including 1 internet and 1 interview) Outlines and Rough Drafts required MLA documentation of sources Formal support provided in English III or Junior Seminar
PRODUCT Logical link to research paper Learning stretch Minimum of 10 hours Verify completion with documents, photos, mentor testimony One mentor –NO family –21 or older –Teacher or Community Leader –Background Check Required
PORTFOLIO Technology utilized 1. Cover page 2. Table of Contents 3. Letter to judges 4. Final draft of paper 5. Product photos and documentation 6. Mentor/advisor evaluation form 7. Mentor/advisor meeting log 8. Reflective Essay
PRESENTATION Components –Intro –Summary of Research –Description of Product –Mentor Information –Self-Reflection –Closing Accurate, credible information 8-10 minutes with 5 minutes extra for questions/answers (total of 15 min. max) Professional Dress
Scoring State rubrics will be used for the final evaluation of each component. Schools will not assign a numeric grade to the final scoring of each component. Teachers may assign grades for drafts or parts, such as the resume, of a component. If students submit a component that does not meet the minimum state requirements, the students will go into the Recovery Process.