The French Revolution Recap
Causes Debt Poor Leadership Inequity Tension and frustration Tax breaks for the wealthy Oppression of the poor
Stage 1 – End of Old Regime Louis XVI called meeting of Estates General Estates General splintered – –National Assembly appeared Old Regime died France declared a republic Legislative assembly declared war on foreign monarchies
Stage 2 – Violence and Terror Legislative Assembly replaced by Convention Convention appointed Committee of Public Safety to judge enemies of the State Committee launched Reign of Terror –40,000 would die by these radicals –People sickened of this death – demanded an end Thermodorian Reaction ended Terror Convention replaced by the Directory
Stage 3 – The Directory Directory re-established order and peace Directory re-established the “old ways” –Seen as corrupt French tired of war and corruption Napoleon helped overthrow the Directory Napoleon declared Consul for Life Napoleon declared Emperor Napoleon made peace with enemies
Stage 4 – Rise of Napoleon Napoleon started war of conquest French capture all of Europe France attacked British commerce –Continental System Russia snubbed France France invaded Russia; French forces decimated by Russian winter French forces defeated at Leipzig Congress of Vienna
Stage 5 – Fall of Napoleon Napoleon exiled to Elba –Restoration of Bourbon monarchy Napoleon escaped Elba; took control of nation and military Napoleon defeated at Waterloo Napoleon exiled to St. Helena Restoration of Bourbons Congress of Vienna – Conservative Order