Restore and Protect Red River Watershed Nez Perce Tribe Fisheries Watershed Program
Fish Species Present Spring Chinook Salmon Steelhead Bull Trout Westslope Cutthroat Trout Pacific Lamprey Other fish species including: Long nose dace, suckers, sculpin, and whitefish
Limiting Factors Sediment Natural sediment loading and/or elevated sediment loading from undefined and defined sources (roads, mines, etc.) Habitat Degradation Riparian or instream habitat loss or disturbance Watershed Disturbance Upland disturbances such as mining, timber harvest, and roading. Also includes sedimentation resulting from defined upland sources (i.e., roads) Connectivity All forms of population fragmentation including physical, chemical, or thermal barriers.
Limiting Factor: Sediment Chronic sediment delivery from Forest Road 1183.
Limiting Factor: Habitat Degradation
Limiting Factor: Watershed Disturbance Overview of disturbance activities within the Red River Watershed
Project Objectives Complete a Watershed Assessment (EAWS). EAWS to be done in cooperation with the Nez Perce National Forest. Alleviate sediment input and potential input from road sources. Perform monitoring and evaluation of road decommissioning. Improve fish passage and alleviate potential culvert problems. Disseminate information about work in the watershed.
Desired Outcomes Overall goal: Increase fisheries habitat, both anadromous and resident, as well as productivity. Prioritize watershed restoration projects through an interdisciplinary approach. Reduce chronic sediment input into streams. Restore connectivity within the watershed. Evaluate effectiveness and success of restoration efforts.
Relationships to Other Projects Within the Watershed Idaho Salmon Supplementation Studies Red River Satellite Hatchery Facility The Mullins Project BPA Project # Enhance Fish, Riparian, and Wildlife Habitat Within the Red River Watershed
Clearwater Subbasin Summary Needs Applicable to this Project Continue to develop watershed assessments. Protect, restore, and create riparian, wetland, and floodplain areas. Complete culvert inventory and assess associated passage and flow issues. Reduce road densities through closures, obliteration, and reduced construction.
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