BiOP RPA 52.6 ISAB recommends a regional tagging & marking plan BioAnalysts, Inc.
Develop a PIT tagging plan, as an element of a more comprehensive regional tagging& marking plan for RME Ensure adequate estimates or indices are being obtained. Improve efficiency by coordinating tagging among user groups or H-categories. BioAnalysts, Inc.
Mainstem/Hydro: Clarify Management Needs for mainstem/hydro RME, which require PIT tag based data. Specify required estimates and quantitative characteristics thereof, e.g. precision. Assess Population Coverage. Integrate with other Hs PIT tagging needs and effort. BioAnalysts, Inc.
1. Work through the Mainstem/Hydro Steps and r ecord decisions. Inventory planned PIT tag effort for Align the effort with management needs. Identify gaps 2. Discuss components and structure of a regional PIT tag plan. 3. Discuss who, how and when the plan will be produced (Multi-H effort). BioAnalysts, Inc.
1. RME Workgroups formed (H-specific) 2. Assessed BiOp coverage for RME activities. 3. Catalog projects that currently use PIT, or plan to in the near term AFEP FWP BioAnalysts, Inc.
Hydro – Monitor survival both Juvenile and Adults (BiOp) SMP monitoring (FWP) Action effectiveness/ Life history research studies. Estuary RME Population – VSP - Status and Trends Hatchery evaluations Habitat action evaluations Harvest impacts BioAnalysts, Inc.
Hatchery and habitat projects release tagged lots from specific populations to evaluate actions. Hydro survival monitoring uses those tagged fish from tribs. and hatcheries. SMP monitoring also uses those tags. Population status and trend monitoring relies on those tags as well. Hydro and estuary research projects use additional tags, some of which can augment hydro performance standard monitoring. BioAnalysts, Inc.
Does the AMIP alter Hydro RME needs or shift emphasis relative to tagging needs? In the future, what populations should tagged, and in what numbers? How can we efficiently coordinate and integrate tagging efforts among Hatchery Habitat and hydro studies? BioAnalysts, Inc.
hat cssvsp hab css vsp hab
BioAnalysts, Inc. McNLGR AFEP Research NOAA dam tagging Snake VSP HAB HAT CSS UC &MC- VSP,HAB,HAT,CSS BON
Questionnaire to NOAA, Corps and BPA. Initial Responses Catalogued projects that will rely on PIT tag information for AFEP, BiOp and FWP RME. BioAnalysts, Inc.