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Presentation transcript:

CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE UMATILLA INDIAN RESERVATION Design and Construct Walla Walla Hatchery BPA Project #2000-038-00

Part of Comprehensive Walla Walla Fisheries Restoration Program Fish Passage Improvements Instream Flow Enhancement Watershed Protection and Restoration Stream Habitat Enhancement Artificial Propagation – Salmon Reintroduction Monitoring and Evaluation

. . . . . . CTUIR Satellite Hatchery Facility Locations Umatilla River Columbia River . CTUIR Satellite Hatchery Facility Locations ● Three Mile Dam South Fork Walla Walla Hermiston . . . . . Thornhollow Pendleton Minthorn Westland Dam Imeques Pendleton Bonifer Umatilla River

South Fork Walla Walla Hatchery Location Project Location DAYTON Touchet R. WAITSBURG South Fork North Fork WALLA WALLA Hofer Dam Walla Walla R. Walla Walla R. WASHINGTON Burlingame Dam Mill Creek Nursery Bridge Dam OREGON MILTON - FREEWATER Little WW River Dam N. Fork Walla Walla South Fork Walla Walla Hatchery Location S. Fork Walla Walla

South Fork Walla Walla Adult Holding/Spawning Facility

South Fork Walla Walla Adult Holding/Spawning Facility

Adult Broodstock Operations Injection with antibiotics Sorting before spawning

Spring Chinook Out-planting

Walla Walla Hatchery Goals Reestablish natural spawning spring chinook Provide sustainable fisheries Develop localized broodstock Supported by previous plans 1990 NPPC Subbasin Plan 1996 Spirit-of Salmon Tribal Restoration Plan 2001 NPPC Subbasin Summary 2004 NPCC Subbasin Plan

Project Objective Assist in Walla Walla CHS restoration program by providing hatchery production Task 1 Finalize plans and designs NPCC 3-step review process Step 1 - Plan to incubate and rear 500K CHS in 2004 Step 2 - Scientific review and NEPA in 2005 Step 3 - Final designs and construction plans in 2005

Project Objective Assist in Walla Walla CHS restoration program by providing hatchery production Task 2 Construct hatchery facilities Add on at existing South Fork WW site Adult holding/spawning done Property, intake & effluent treatment done Possible construction in 2006

Walla Walla Subbasin CHS Artificial Production Strategies Release 500K smolts at S. Fork WW facility site Adult outplanting in Touchet River and Mill Cr. Opportunity for within-basin M&E comparison

Monitoring and Evaluation Surplus adult outplanting Spawning distribution and success Juvenile production and outmigration Adult passage success Master plan M&E component Within and between subbasin strategies Subbasin RM&E plan

Good Chance of Success Comprehensive program Great water quality and quantity Pristine headwaters Positive M&E results Cooperative Support Umatilla success model

South Fork WW Pristine Habitat

Anticipated Project Results Spawning Harvest Broodstock