The I-Search Paper: I-Search, You-Search, We-All-Search (from Ken Macrorie’s The I-Search Paper, 1988) Information taken from South Coast Writing Project and Lee’s Summit High School.
In Walden, Henry David Thoreau wrote, “In most books, the I, or first person, is omitted; in this it will be retained…I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well” (8).
The I-Search Paper Typical Research Paper: Typical Research Paper: Typical Research Paper: Typical Research Paper: The Loop: Knowledge and experience of the experts on one side; you on the other; no connection between the two. The I-Search Paper: The I-Search Paper: The I-Search Paper: The I-Search Paper: The Moebius Strip: You and the experts connecting; subjectivity and objectivity; includes context and humanity of the writer.
The I-Search Paper This paper is designed to teach both the writer and the reader something valuable about a chosen topic (the research question) and about the nature of searching and discovery. It allows the writer (yes, that’s you!) to take an active role in your search, to experience some of the hunt for facts and truths firsthand, and to provide a step-by-step record of the discovery process.
The I-Search Paper First, begin with an itch. Allow something to choose you that you want intensely to know or possess. Your product/paper will be the story of your adventure as you scratch that itch. First, begin with an itch. Allow something to choose you that you want intensely to know or possess. Your product/paper will be the story of your adventure as you scratch that itch. itch.
The I-Search Paper Am I a republican or democrat? Am I a republican or democrat? I’m interested in becoming an architect but don’t know a lot about it. How does one become an architect? What different types of architects are there? I’m interested in becoming an architect but don’t know a lot about it. How does one become an architect? What different types of architects are there? What are the effects of being a middle child? The oldest? The youngest? What are the effects of being a middle child? The oldest? The youngest? Why is getting a tattoo so popular today? Why is getting a tattoo so popular today?
The I-Search Paper Then: Then: Take your topic to class and ask your classmates, Ms. Mietelski, or Mrs. Fehrman for tips/advice. Take your topic to class and ask your classmates, Ms. Mietelski, or Mrs. Fehrman for tips/advice. Locate useful information in books, magazines, newspapers, electronic databases, etc. Locate useful information in books, magazines, newspapers, electronic databases, etc. Look at or listen to this information and these ideas. Note down what may be most useful to you. Look at or listen to this information and these ideas. Note down what may be most useful to you. Interview people who know a lot about your topic. Interview people who know a lot about your topic.
The I-Search Paper Format : Format : There are five (5) parts of the I-Search paper. We will be writing each part at separate times but you will have ample time and opportunities to revise previous parts. There are five (5) parts of the I-Search paper. We will be writing each part at separate times but you will have ample time and opportunities to revise previous parts.
The I-Search Paper Format : Format : Part 1: My Questions (What I Know and What I Want to Know): In this part, you will describe what you knew about the topic before the search began, and what interested you about it. Your research question(s) should be clearly stated in this part. Part 1: My Questions (What I Know and What I Want to Know): In this part, you will describe what you knew about the topic before the search began, and what interested you about it. Your research question(s) should be clearly stated in this part.
The I-Search Paper Format: Format: Part 2: My Search Process: In this part, you will describe the sequence of steps in the search. For example, what sources you began with and how these led you to further sources. You will describe problems or breakthroughs in your search. You can also discuss how your question(s) changed or expanded as a result of your search process, and acknowledge the help you received from others. Part 2: My Search Process: In this part, you will describe the sequence of steps in the search. For example, what sources you began with and how these led you to further sources. You will describe problems or breakthroughs in your search. You can also discuss how your question(s) changed or expanded as a result of your search process, and acknowledge the help you received from others.
The I-Search Paper Format: Format: Part 3: What I Have Learned: In this part, you will focus on three or four major findings or conclusions to your question(s) and support them with examples and arguments that will help the reader understand how you arrived at those conclusions. You will try to connect your findings with your original question(s). You will also try to suggest further questions to explore in the future. Part 3: What I Have Learned: In this part, you will focus on three or four major findings or conclusions to your question(s) and support them with examples and arguments that will help the reader understand how you arrived at those conclusions. You will try to connect your findings with your original question(s). You will also try to suggest further questions to explore in the future.
The I-Search Paper Format : Format : Part 4: What This Means to Me: This part will give you the chance to describe how you have developed as a researcher. You will answer the question, “What do you know about searching for information that you didn’t know before?” To answer this question, you will describe those findings that meant the most to you. You might also discuss how your newfound knowledge will affect you in the future. Finally, you may want to discuss the skills you have developed as a researcher and writer. Part 4: What This Means to Me: This part will give you the chance to describe how you have developed as a researcher. You will answer the question, “What do you know about searching for information that you didn’t know before?” To answer this question, you will describe those findings that meant the most to you. You might also discuss how your newfound knowledge will affect you in the future. Finally, you may want to discuss the skills you have developed as a researcher and writer.
The I-Search Paper Format: Format: Part 5: References: In this part, you will complete a Works Cited page listing all of the sources you included in your paper. Part 5: References: In this part, you will complete a Works Cited page listing all of the sources you included in your paper.
The I-Search Paper Any questions? Any questions?