Research th Grade English ObjectivesSlide Program
Objectives Students will be able to List the parts of an effective research paper Identify the audience and purpose for a database research paper Locate appropriate sources Narrow a topic utilizing preliminary research Prepare a thesis statement based on a topic Differentiate between direct quotations and paraphrased quotations Document sources using MLA style Slide Program
Slide Program Menu Slide 1- Home SlideHome Slide Slide 2- ObjectivesObjectives Slide 3- Slide Program MenuSlide Program Menu Slide 4- What is a Research Paper?What is a Research Paper? Slide 5- Where Do I Begin?Where Do I Begin? Slide 6- Refine Your PurposeRefine Your Purpose Slide 7- Developing a TopicDeveloping a Topic Slide 8- Finding Sources Using a DatabaseFinding Sources Using a Database Slide 9- Devising a Thesis StatementDevising a Thesis Statement Slide 10- Types of OrganizationTypes of Organization Slide 11- Direct QuotationsDirect Quotations Slide 12- ParaphrasingParaphrasing Slide 13- What Is Plagiarism?What Is Plagiarism? Slide 14- MLA FormatMLA Format Slide 15- Grammar and MechanicsGrammar and Mechanics Slide 16- Due DateDue Date
What Is a Research Paper Effective research writing has A clearly stated thesis statement Factual support from a variety of outside sources, including direct quotations whose sources are credited A clear organizational strategy A works cited list that provides a complete listing of research sources Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 251 Slide Program
Where Do I Begin? Writing a research paper can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin Choose a topic that will hold your interest Consider your audience – How much do they know about your topic? Slide Program
Refine Your Purpose Your purpose shapes the details you choose to include in your essay Three common suggestions for research writing – To Persuade – To Honor – To Show Cause and Effect Match your purpose with your Slide Program Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 259
Developing a Topic Focus on a historic event that amazed the public in its time – For example, research Lindbergh’s famous flight across the Atlantic or investigate the Titanic’s maiden voyage Before deciding on your topic, do some preliminary research Slide Program Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 257
Finding Sources Using a Database Power Library is a database accessible through Muncy’s homepage Power Library Under General Reference, click on EBSCOhost Type in your topic Read through articles; good researchers use detective skills and start by identifying the best sources Slide Program Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 260
Devising a Thesis Statement An effective thesis statement expresses an idea that can be supported by research – HELP on generating thesis statements HELP Sample Thesis Statements – Spain offers a variety of pleasant activities for vacationers. – The roots of the Northern Ireland conflict date back many centuries. If you find your ideas shifting as you write, be prepared to revise your thesis Slide Program Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 261
Types of Organization Chronological order – Presents events in the order in which they occur – Ideal for reporting the history of a subject Order of Importance – Presents details in order of increasing or decreasing importance – Ideal for writing persuasively or building an argument Comparison and Contrast – Presents similarities and differences – Ideal for addressing two or more subjects Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 261 Slide Program
Direct Quotations When using a writer’s exact words make sure to use quotation marks for the entire statement Introduce the direct quotation by using the author’s name (or article title if no author) or by briefly stating what the quotation states – EXAMPLE from Duke University Library EXAMPLE Slide Program Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar Gold Level 263
Paraphrasing This technique involves restating a writer’s specific ideas in your own words Often used to share information by making the meaning clear to readers You can paraphrase a sentence or paragraph – Example from The Owl at Purdue Example Slide Program
What Is Plagiarism? According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to plagiarize means – to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own – to use (another's production) without crediting the source – to commit literary theft – to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source Be sure to properly cite sources or plagiarism can occur – Tips for avoiding plagiarism Tips Slide Program Click for picture for an audio example of plagiarism
MLA Format MLA stands for Modern Language Association MLA You must have the standard heading used on former papers in the top left corner of your first page: Name, Ms. Biddle, English 9, and the due date Double-spaced 12 point font Times New Roman font Page numbers with last name in the top right corner Works Cited page Slide Program
Grammar and Mechanics You are not texting your friends, so do not write this paper as if you were! Be sure to check for spelling errors often missed by Spell-check – Examples: hear/here, definitely/defiantly, does/dose, etc. Once you finish your first typed draft, have someone look it over for grammar or spelling mistakes – Grammar and Mechanics HELPHELP Slide Program
Due Date Your final draft will be tentatively due February 14 As stated in your Pathfinders assignments will only be accepted after one day for half credit Slide Program