Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Welcome to Expository Reading & Writing
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Writing and Reading Connection Writing Reading must go hand in hand!
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly What students can not do… Only 1/3 of students are prepared for the two most frequently assigned writing tasks:Only 1/3 of students are prepared for the two most frequently assigned writing tasks: –Analyzing information or arguments –Synthesizing information from several sources
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Students can: Read & Write Read & Write
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Collegiate Writing Expectations I. Amount of Writing: Quarter classesQuarter classes –2 short word essays OR one short essay and one long research paper –A midterm exam with short answer essay questions and a longer final exam with longer questions Semester CoursesSemester Courses –Two midterm exams –Final exam –Long analytical, research paper of at least 8 pages
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Reading & Composing Skills Test Skill Tested Class Average Development & Support 4.3/6 Finding Meaning in Context 3.3/4 Grammar, Usage & Idiom 3.1/4 Identifying Important Ideas 3.8/5 Organization & Coherence 2.4/4 Reasoning from the Text 3.9/5 Recognizing Purpose & Strategy 3.1/4 Sentence Control & Clarity 4.3/6 Understanding Direct Statements 1.5/2 TOTAL SCORE 29.9/40
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly EPT (Writing) Fall 2008 Assessment Results Scores Students Received # of Students who received score
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly EPT (Writing) Fall 2008 Assessment Results Number of students who included an author/title reference: 1659% Number of students who summarized author’s argument: 1659% Number of students who included an agree/disagree statement: 2074% Number of students who included a specific example: 933% Number of students who created a title for their work: 933%
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly How does ERWC help prepare students? ~Unit Plans 4 Parts: 1. Pre-Reading (usually PPT) 2. Grammar / Vocab (usually worksheets) 3. Reading / Post Reading (Annotating) 4. Writing
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Grades ~Grading Policy: weighted grades - 15% Language Development /Participation -45% Writing -25% Reading (including Indep. Reading) -15% Semester Final
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Class Supply List These items are required for every class: 1. Binder / 3 ring notebook (w/paper) 2. Dividers 3. Post-It’s (unless you buy books) 4. Multi-colored Pens least 2, 3 preferred)
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Attendance Policy ~Essays and Major Assignments ~Daily/short-term assignments ~FIELDTRIPS, PARTIAL DAY ABSENCES ~Make-up work
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Necessary for success: 1.Laugh at yourself 2.Work Ethic 3.Understand & set priorities 4.Good Health
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Web Page ~Class Documents ~ Calendar, Assignments, Unit Plans ~Standards **Students will be asked to print out materials from the website for class.
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Communication Phone: (925) ext. 5 Conferences: ~Before school :7:30am-8:00am Tuesdays, Wednesdays. ~After school: 3:00-4:00 Thursdays, Fridays
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Debunking the Myths 1. This is bone head English. 2. Students were placed in this class because they failed a 15 question test. 3. You’re in this class because your past teachers didn’t do their job. 4. There is an easy waiver process to get out of the class.
Expository Reading & Writing Connelly Debunking the Myths, cont. 5. This is a boring class. 6. You don’t have to worry about Reading & Writing in college unless you are an English major.