Nationalism and Change
The Congress of Vienna Austria, Russia, United Kingdom, Prussia European diplomats met to devise peace settlements Balance of Power –distribution of military and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong Conservativism –Beliefs held by those who want to preserve traditional ways
Congress of Vienna Goal 1.To prevent France from going to war again (and prevent France from domination) 2.To return Europe to the way it was in 1792, before Napoleon 3.To protect the new system and maintain peace Action 1.Strengthen countries around France 2.Give power back to the monarchs of Europe 3. Create the “Concert of Europe”, an organization intended to maintain peace in Europe
Revolutions occur in Europe despite the Vienna settlement due to: –Liberalism People opposed the power of monarchs and sought democratic reform –Nationalism People wanted independent nation- states that were free from foreign rule
Nationalism changes the Map of Europe Unification of both Italy and Germany breaks up the Austrian, Ottoman, and Prussian Empires
Unification of Italy Giuseppe Mazzini –“Young Italy” national movement – exiled for his views –speeches provide inspiration for the movement Count Camillo Cavour: –aligned with France and Prussia to diplomatically drive Austrian power from Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi – led forces that won control of southern Italy, and united it with the North
Unification of Germany Zollverin: –Prussia –ends trade barriers between German states Otto von Bismarck – (Chancellor of Prussia) –Machiavellian –“Blood and Iron” Sacrifices/Military Industry/Modernizing Unites Germany under Kaiser William I
Nationalism weakens an Empire Ottoman Empire consisted of: The Balkan States Greece,Turkey, Middle East “sick man of Europe” Many different ethnicities wanting sovereignty Internal revolutions Russian sponsors “Pan Slavism” encouraging nationalism of all Slavs (Serbia)
The Concert of Europe is destroyed :Crimean War ( ) Russia did not have access to warm water ports Invaded Turkish Balkan provinces (Turkey) to gain access to the Dardanelles –Allowed access to Mediterranean How do these events destroy the Concert of Europe?
Zionism: Eastern Europe and Russia Nationalism leads to anti-Semitism (hatred of Jews) Intolerance grew as nationalism grew Pogroms: violent attack on Jewish community Force Jews to desire a homeland
Armenian Massacre Turkish Nationalism Muslim Turks turn against Christian Armenians Accused Armenians of plotting with Russia against the Ottoman Empire Massacre of over a million Armenians