Biosphere Project 2006
What is it all about? You will take everything you have learned in 6th/7th grade and tie it all together. Your job: To become a team and build a facility where you will live for two years on Mars. Nothing can leave or come in for that time.
Research Paper (100 Points) Each person in the group will choose a minimum of two positions from the lists given. Each person in the group will choose a minimum of two positions from the lists given. You will research the answers to the questions for the jobs you have chosen. You will research the answers to the questions for the jobs you have chosen. You will receive an individual grade (100 Points). You will receive an individual grade (100 Points).
Biosphere Poster (100 Points) Your group will be required to work together and create a poster of your biosphere. Must include: Minimum of 4 biomes. Technosphere. Human Habitat. All parts must be labeled. Agriculture area. Superstructure. You will receive an individual grade (100 Points).
Group Presentation (75 Points) Must present your Biosphere to the class. Everyone must participate in the presentation – each person must say something. You will receive an individual grade (50 Points) and a group grade (25 Points).
Daily Assignments (10 Points) Each student will be required to keep/write journal entries each day (prompts will be given by Ms. S each day) and complete assignments given. The “commander in charge” will keep track of these journals/assignments and make sure they are turned in at the end of the day. The journal/completed work will be scored as individual (5 Points) and group points (5 Points).
What Will Ms. S Be Grading? Daily Group Participation (30 Points each day totaling ~540 Points – graded like labs) Daily Group Participation (30 Points each day totaling ~540 Points – graded like labs) Journal Entries/Work Completed – 10 Points (individual/group)Journal Entries/Work Completed – 10 Points (individual/group) Cooperation – 5 Points (group)Cooperation – 5 Points (group) Cleanliness – 5 Points (group)Cleanliness – 5 Points (group) Following Directions – 5 Points (group)Following Directions – 5 Points (group) Focus – 5 Points (group)Focus – 5 Points (group) Completion of the following: Completion of the following: Research Paper (100 individual)Research Paper (100 individual) Poster (100 individual)Poster (100 individual) Presentation (50 individual; 25 group)Presentation (50 individual; 25 group) Total Project Points Possible = 815 Points (~50% of Semester Grade)
Extra Credit (+125 Points Possible) Biosphere Information Packet (+50 Pts): Turn in final draft early - +5 points each day up to +20 points. Do more than 2 jobs points for an additional job (can’t do more than 3 jobs). Biosphere Poster (+50 Pts): Put in more than 4 biomes points for each additional biome (can’t do more than 6 biomes total). Presentation (+25 Pts): Groups can earn extra credit by coming up with creative presentations. Some examples include skits, use of multimedia (i.e. power point, video), musical performance, etc. Students should check in with me about their extra credit presentation ideas in order to ensure the appropriateness Points
Due Dates Research Paper Research Paper June 9 th 5pm (post online Microsoft Word)June 9 th 5pm (post online Microsoft Word) Poster Poster June 16 thJune 16 th Presentation Presentation June 19 th and June 20 th (due dates different for each group)June 19 th and June 20 th (due dates different for each group)
Grouping 6-8 students per group (no more, no less). 6-8 students per group (no more, no less). P. 1 –P. 1 – P. 4 –P. 4 – P. 5 –P. 5 – P. 6 –P. 6 – Choose your teammates WISELY! Choose your teammates WISELY! Must be in the same class. Must be in the same class.