Perform Range Forage Inventory for Large Ungulates Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Dept. and Range Dept. Project
Background Hydropower projects did irreversible damage to lands, waters, fish and wildlife, subsistence and cultural traditions, the entire way of life for native peoples Brought an influx of people resulting in agriculture and irrigation, livestock, and logging, rural and urban development as well
Need and Responsibility G.Coulee & Chief Joseph Dams destroyed 88,000 acres of critical low- elevation habitat Pop. Explosion and its effects Available habitat & ungulate food sources are threatened by habitat loss, development, fragmentation, livestock grazing pressure and competition, invasive weeds Federal Trust Responsibility
Effects of Overgrazing on Riparian Vegetation In Chapter three of the BLM publication "Rangeland Reform '94 - Environmental Impact Statement" it is stated that "The most significant results of excessive livestock grazing in riparian areas are as follows: Fish, particularly salmonids, are reduced in numbers, size, and distribution, with populations eventually being eliminated. Water quality degrades from increased turbidity and chemicals (livestock pollutants) leaching through soils.
Effects of Overgrazing on Riparian Vegetation Less water exists for livestock, wildlife, farmers, and recreationalists during dry periods, when water is in greatest demand." Less or no water is stored within the banks, causing flood damage and reduced late season flows of springs and streams.
Goal To complete a forage inventory that will measure vegetative forage quantity, quality, and diversity available to all large ungulates in the project area such that this information and resulting range management plan will allow for the successful management of all ungulate species and the enhancement of the habitats and ecosystems of all fish and wildlife species.
CTCR IRMP Resource Goal Upon completion, this inventory will be used to develop a modern range plan toward the achievement of the IRMP R.G…to create a mosaic of desirable rangeland plant communities with diverse forbs, grasses, and shrubs that optimize ecosystem processes to meet watershed, wildlife and tribal members needs.
Objective Perform series of species-specific and site- specific forage inventories (especially in relation to critical winter and summer range and developed for elk, mule deer, white tail deer, bighorn sheep, moose and domestic stock) to culminate in one comprehensive document stating the AUM capacity of each species for the project area.
Tasks Select representative sites Perform inventory describing composition, structure, and processes using the State and Transition Model for classifying vegetation on those sites Determine AUM capacity of sites for each relevant ungulate
Results Comprehensive forage inventory made available to all resource managers and policy makers Determination of the most critical summer/winter forage areas of each species (esp.prior to land use applications ) Better management of range and forested range lands by adjusting the amount and length domestic livestock use Benefit BH sheep, elk, mule deer, white tail, moose, ecosystems and tribal members