Chapter 21 French Revolution and Napoleon 21.4 Napoleonic Era
I. Napoleon as Dictator (1799-1814) The Consulate- people accepted dictatorship Wanted stability or were afraid 3 consuls- Napoleon 1st consul New government put to vote- plebiscite Accomplishments in Government Napoleonic Code- all law Bank of France Public education Concordat- agreement with Pope
II. Napoleon as Emperor 1804- France on Empire Continued War Continental System- French and allies can’t trade with Britain
III. Reorganization of Europe Controls most of Europe 1. Family members placed as monarchs Increased nationalism 1. Napoleonic Code in every conquered nation Peninsular War- 1808-1814 Drove out Spain’s King- brother becomes king Revolt helped by British- Duke Wellington
IV. Catastrophe in Russia Czar goes against Continental System The Grand Army Invades Russia- 600,000 soldiers Russian’s use scorched earth policy Captures Moscow but has to retreat
Assignment Imagine you are a soldier in the Grand Army, retreating from Russia during the cold winter. Write a letter to a loved one at home describing your experiences.
V. Final Defeat Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain join Russia Leipzig- Napoleon defeated allies capture Paris Napoleon abdicates- exiled to Elba Restored Bourbon monarchy
VI. Hundred Days Napoleon escapes from Elba- led army into Paris Waterloo- June 18, 1815 Final defeat Napoleon exiled to St. Helena
Assignment Handout You are to design a political cartoon or comic strip depicting Napoleon. You will be given some class time to work on your cartoon.