Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Rearing and Research Project 199204000 Project Accomplishments 2001-2003 Resource Enhancement and Utilization.


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Presentation transcript:

Redfish Lake Sockeye Salmon Captive Broodstock Rearing and Research Project Project Accomplishments Resource Enhancement and Utilization Technologies Division Manchester Research Station Northwest Fisheries Science Center National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2725 Montlake Boulevard E. Seattle, Washington Desmond Maynard & Thomas Flagg

Captive Broodstock Project Purpose Avoid catastrophic loss of ESA stock Amplify population to complement recovery efforts

ESA-Listed Broodstocks Manchester Research Station Redfish Lake sockeye salmon Grande Ronde spring chinook salmon Salmon River spring chinook salmon Idaho Department of Fish and Game Idaho Office of Species Conservation Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Nez Perce Tribes Umatilla Confederated Tribes US Fish and Wildlife Service University of Idaho Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Partners Northwest Power Planning Council Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority Bonneville Power Administration

NMFS Captive Broodstock Rearing Facilities Burley Creek Captive Broodstock Facility Manchester Captive Broodstock Facility

Seawater Rearing Facility Manchester Marine Laboratory 6,000 lpm processed seawater Sand and cartridge filtered to 5 u and then UV disinfected 400-m 2 and 1,280-m 2 broodstock rearing building Twenty 6.1-m circular tanks, six 4.1- m circular tanks, and six 1.8-m circular tanks

Freshwater Rearing Facility Burley Creek Hatchery 2,000 lpm 10 0 C well water 613 m 2 building Eleven 3.6 m circular tanks Fourteen 1.5 m circular tanks Incubation room

Relationship to Other Projects Coordinated through SBSTOC IDFG sockeye captive broodstock ( ) Shoshone-Bannock Tribe sockeye habitat ( ) University of Idaho sockeye genetics ( ) NMFS captive broodstock technology ( )

Rational and Significance to Regional Programs NMFS draft Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan NWPPC Fish and Wildlife Program objectives NMFS FCRPS Biological Opinion RPA Salmon Subbasin Summary needs and goals

Tasks Captive broodstock rearing Production of prespawning adults, eyed eggs, and smolts Refine rearing protocols Secure freshwater rearing facility (Burley Creek)

Captive Broodstocks Spawn Source Adults F1F1 F2F2 F2F2 SUPPLEMENT Hold First Generation Release Second Generation First Generation Adults Research genetics physiology growth health survival behavior

Sockeye Captive Broodstock Culture Concerns Survival –Culture parameters –Health status Morphological attributes –Adult size and physical appearance Physiological parameters –Reproductive development and spawn timing –Fecundity and egg viability –Post-release fitness

ESA broodstock reared to maturity under controlled conditions...

Husbandry and Sampling

Growth Rate Modulation BY 01

Exercise Experimental exercise protocols implemented (2003) Year two of six year evaluation Fecundity, egg viability, physiological parameters

Sockeye Captive Broodstock Culture Performance Survival % egg-adult Size -- Equivalent to wild Egg Viability -- 60%+


Breeding Plans for Sockeye Primary tools used: Pedigree information Life history information (year-class) Origin (hatchery, wild, residual) Parentage assignment (DNA) (PIT tags)

NMFS Redfish Lake sockeye salmon egg production Spawn YearNumber , , , , , , , , ,359 TOTAL1,129,030

NMFS Redfish Lake sockeye salmon captive broodstock distribution Prespawning adults; n = 660 released Eyed eggs to IDFG; n = ~810K Eyed eggs to Bonneville; n = ~250K IDFG

Determine the effectiveness of smolt releases for restoring anadromous runs of Snake River sockeye salmon Coded Wire tag all sockeye reared at Bonneville Hatchery PIT tag a subsample of sockeye salmon reared at Bonneville Hatchery Release Bonneville Hatchery Fish into Stanley Basin Lakes Compare the survival of these fish to IDFG data on prespawning adults, eyed eggs, and presmolts

Release Strategies Evaluations Outmigrant monitoring: PIT tags and unique fin clips Redfish Lake Creek weir Mainstem dams

,361 Adult Return Year Number of Fish Adult Sockeye Salmon Returns To Redfish Lake wild/natural adults 320+ hatchery-produced adults

Redfish Sockeye Captive Broodstock Returns to the Stanley Basin, Hatchery enhanced natural production (Unmarked) Presmolts to overwinter in lake (Ad Clipped) Smolts (Ad-LV clipped, CWT)

Redfish Sockeye Captive Broodstock Returns to the Stanley Basin, Hatchery enhanced natural production (Unmarked) Presmolts to overwinter in lake (Ad Clipped) Smolts (Ad-LV clipped, CWT)

Task 2 -- Secure Burley Creek Facility Current status –Approved for FY2004 –NEPA process complete –NOAA/BPA MOA for purchase completed –BPA and NOAA Fisheries approval
