1 ProActive Parallel Suite for Finance Abhijeet Gaikwad Viet_Dung Doan Mireille BOSSY Francoise BAUDE INRIA Sophia-Antipolis France
2 Outline Grid computing in the financial industry Objectives PicsouGrid – Framework for parallelizing financial algorithms Background Gridified Algorithms Building the optimal exercise boundary (Ibanez and Zapatero 2002) Continuation/Exercise regions classification (Picazo 2002) Conclusion and Perspectives
3 Compute Intensive Financial Applications Investment banks and security firms Financial Portfolio Management Risk Management Option Pricing Algorithmic trading of equity options and hedge funds Advanced analytics
4 Grid computing in the financial industry Cluster computing Fixed configuration, homogeneous system Nightly volume computing, batch processing Data mining, back office applications... (ex. Datasynapse) Daily trading Interest rate securities, option contracts, future contracts... Undeveloped daily trading areas : Time constraint problems Fault tolerance problems Distributed and parallel single complex option pricing algorithms Particularly algorithms using Monte Carlo methods Opportunities to parallelize
5 Objectives From cluster computing to grid computing Scalability: multi-site network of cores Heterogeneity: support a diverse set of resources Load balancing: adapt computational load depending on available resources. Fault tolerance: recover from faults such as network partitions or failed processes/systems. Rationalisation of resources to lower costs Ease of Provisioning, deployment and data distribution, Interoperability, debugging, testing, monitoring, and more... Common pricing solutions Performance comparison: Java and C/C++ implementation Parallelize algorithms: produce efficient parallel versions of common pricing algorithms. Open-source algorithms: produce option pricing algorithms which can be used by external parties
6 Background (1) ProActive A Java Grid middle-ware library Project OASIS – INRIA Sophia Antipolis, UNSA, CNRS, France Provides a simplified asynchronous, parallel, distributed development environment. Grid'5000 ~3500 CPUs distributed in 9 sites across France, for research in Grid Computing, e-Science and Cyber-infrastructures Site Sophia 148 cores, AMD Opteron 246, 2.0GHz Heterogeneous desktop grid at INRIA Sophia Antipolis: P4 (Bi-2GHz),P4 (3.6GHz), P4 (Core 2, 2.4GHz).
7 Background (2) Option trading Call option: allows holder to purchase an asset at a fixed price in the future Put option: allows holder to sell an asset at a fixed price in the future Option pricing European: fixed future exercise date American: can be exercised any time up to expiry date Option type: standard, basket, barrier Black-Scholes Model: one, multil-dimension Parameters Spot price of the underlying : S, Strike price : K, Constant interest rate : r, Volatility rate : sigma, Maturity date : T, number of time step : m For multidimensional underlying assets or complex options: → numerical simulations are required. Monte Carlo methods Easy to parallelize and distribute
8 High Dimensional American Option Pricing There are many efficient grid-based methods for options with early exercise features. Only practical in relatively low dimensions (upto 10) Suffer from “The Curse of Dimensionality” For high dimensional problems Monte Carlo methods are the only approach. Early exercise feature make Monte Carlo more complicated because, typically one has to determine the early exercise strategy as part of the problem Main Theme: If the optimal early exercise boundary is known a priori, then an American option becomes equivalent to a barrier option and can be easily be valued using Monte Carlo
9 PicsouGrid V1. architecture reserve workers Client Server Sub- Server Worker ProActive Worker DB ProActive JavaSpace virtual shared memory (to v3) option pricing request MC simulation packet heartbeat monitor MC result PicsouGrid Deployment and Operation
10 PicsouGrid V2. Bag-of-tasks architecture General Algorithm Tasks Simulation tasks ProActive Monte Carlo API Abstraction of Server/Sub-servers from the previous-version Experimental Parallel Random Generator SSJ - A Java Library for Stochastic Simulation Gridified Bermudan/American Option pricing algorith m Ibanez/Zapatero Optimal Exercise Boundary Approach Picazo Continuation and Exercise region classification
11 Optimal Exercise Boundary Approach (1) Overview Proposed by Ibanez and Zapatero in 2002 Time backward computing Base on the property that at each opportunity date: There is always an exercise boundary The boundary is a point (1 dimension) and a curve (high-dimension) where the exercise values match the continuation values Exercise when the underlying price reaches the boundary Estimate the optimal exercise boundary F(X) at each opportunity through a regression. F(X) is a quadratic or cubic polynomial Advantages: Provides the optimal exercise rule Possible to compute the greeks Possible to use straightforward Monte Carlo simulation Optimal exercise boundary Exercise point Underlying price trajectory
12 Optimal Exercise Boundary Approach (2) Description of the sequential algorithm Maximum basket of d underlying American put Step 1 : compute the exercise boundary At each opportunity, make a grid of J good lattice points Compute the optimal boundary points Need N 2 paths of simulations Need n iterations to converge Regression Compute for all opportunity date Step 2 : simulate a straightforward Monte Carlo simulation (easy to parallelize) N = nbMC Complexity
13 Distributed approach: For step 1 Divide the computation of J optimal boundary points by J independent tasks Do the sequential regression on master node For step 2 Divide N paths by nb 1 small independent packets Breakdown in computational time Benchmarks See next slide Optimal Exercise Boundary Approach (3) Parallel approach for high-dimensional option (I.Muni Toke, 2006)
14 Optimal Exercise Boundary (5) – Benchmarks Maximum of 5 assets, Call option
15 Continuation and Exercise region Classification (1) Overview Proposed by Picazo in 2002 Time backward computing Base on the property that at each opportunity date: Classify the continuation values to have the characterization of the waiting zone and the exercise zone Compute the characterization of the decision boundary F(x) through the classification boosting algorithms (ex. Adaboost, Logistic boost). F(x) = a 0 + a 1 X 1 + a 2 X a n X n Advantages: Classification is easier to solve than a regression. Possible to use straightforward Monte Carlo simulation. Regression Classification
16 Standard American and basket American Asian put. Step 1 : compute the characterization of the boundary at each opportunity date Simulate N 1 paths of the underlying, denote x i with i = (1,.., N 1 ) With each x i, simulate N 2 paths of simulations to compute the difference between the exercise and the continuation values, denote y i. Classification with the training set (x i,y i ) Need n iterations to converge Step 2 : simulate a straightforward Monte Carlo simulation (easy to parallelize) N = nbMC Complexity Continuation and Exercise region Classification (2) Description of the sequential algorithm
17 Distributed approach For step 1 Divide N 1 paths by nb small independents packets Parallelize the classification process Discuss more later For step 2 Divide N paths by nb 1 small independents packets Breakdown computational time Benchmarks See next slide Continuation and Exercise region Classification (3) Toward a parallel classification
18 Continuation and Exercise region Classification (4)
19 Continuation and Exercise region Classification (5)
20 Conclusion and Perspectives PicsouGrid: Many more computational finance algorithms have already been developed and need to be similarly benchmarked: Barrier, Basket American (Longstaff-Schwartz, Ibanez-Zapatero and Picazo) American option Implementations of parallel approaches Experimentations and benchmarks over large-scale grids Improve the implementations and the benchmarks “Continuous” operation of option pricing, rather than “one-shot” Improve modularization/Componentization of finance algorithms Efficient Scheduling of Bag-of-Tasks Middleware really is critical: need to provide end users and application developers with reliable, consistent, and easy to use
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