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Presentation transcript:

Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery (NPTH) DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 1 - CENTRAL INCUBATION FACILITY FOR SPRING AND FALL CHINOOK 3 - FALL CHINOOK SATELLITES – AGE-0 SMOLTS SUPPLEMENTATION 2 - SPRING CHINOOK SATELLITES – PRESMOLT SUPPLEMENTATION 1 - STREAM SATELLITE FOR SPRING CHINOOK PARR SUPPLEMENTATION December 2001, Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery will begin Conservation-type, NATURES-oriented supplementation production of : 1,000,000 Snake River ESA-listed fall chinook at Site 1705 and North Lapwai Valley (500K released from each site). 400,000 early-type Snake River fall chinook in S.F. Clearwater River and at Cedar Flats, lower Selway River (200K from each site). 625,000 spring chinook parr and presmolts from Newsome (75K), Yoosa- Lolo (150K), and Meadow Creek, (Selway 400K).

Lewiston Dam (1927), Harpster Dam (1910), and Dworshak Dam (1974) along with 8 other Snake and Columbia Dams helped diminish salmon runs in the Clearwater Subbasin. Coho, spring & fall chinook, and early-fall-type chinook became extinct; both steelhead types also declined causing USFWS, USACOE, & IDFG to construct mitigation hatcheries. NPPC Program Measures 703(g)(2) (1987) and 7.4M (1994) specified artificial production facilities could be constructed for the Nez Perce Tribe. The Tribal government required that this hatchery must be a tool to recover natural fish runs.

SUBBASIN SUMMARY & REGIONAL PROGRAMS NPTH is guided by 6 Goals, if it meets its goals, then; it will also meet; 7 - IDFG Goals 5 - Nez Perce Tribal Goals 7 - NPPC Objectives within Subbasin Summary. In addition NPTH fulfills NPPC FY 2000 F&W Plan Measures 7.4M, 7.5.B.1; 7.3.B.2; 4.1; 7.4F NPTH also meets Snake River Recovery Plan sections: 4.4; 4.5C; & 4.7D; and NPTH meets Tribal Recovery Plan goals.

RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER ON-GOING PROJECTS # NPTH Monitoring & Evaluation # Protect and Restore Lolo Watershed # Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed # M & E Yearling S.R. Fall Chinook Outplanted Upstream L.G. Dam # Pittsburg Landing; Capt. John Rapids; Big Canyon Acclimation Facilities U.S. v. OREGON and CRFMP RPA 169: HGMP

PROJECT HISTORY Conceptual Design of a low cost, low tech spring chinook hatchery. In 1992 Master Plan was published NEPA-EIS & ROD completed NPPC authorized coho master plan NPTH Step-3 Approval with Capital Construction capped at $16.0 million; ISRP approved M&E Action Plan in March July 2000 Construction began; Phase 1 Construction to be complete December 2001.

PROJECT OBJECTIVES & BENEFITS Help restore naturally spawning spring chinook, fall chinook, early-type fall chinook & coho. Long-term Adult Response includes harvest, natural spawners, and broodstock: Spring Chinook Adults = 1,176 Fall Chinook Adults = 2,058 Contributes to Snake River Fall Chinook ESA Delisting. Provides conservation hatchery production information for population restoration and maintenance. Fulfills NPPC Program Measures. Fulfills NPT Treaty Rights and Trust Responsibility.

NPTH PRODUCTION & RELEASE SITES Spring Chinook Facility Sites Fall Chinook Facility Sites

METHODS - TIMELINE Phase I: Years 1-5; re-establish natural spawning Phase II: Years 6-10; utilize adult returns for broodstock and maintain natural spawning. Phase III: Years 11-20; opportunities for harvest; apply adaptive management strategies as per M&E.

METHODS – RELEASE STRATEGY PARR Spring Chinook Supplementation: Meadow Creek, Selway release each July following rearing in NATURES Site 1705; timing & scattered release reduces competition for food and space; 8-10 months natural conditioning enhance smolt to adult survival. PRESMOLT Spring Chinook Supplementation: Newsome and Yoosa- Camp satellites rear juveniles for 5 months; release corresponds to natural Idaho presmolt fall-migratory-pulse. Age-0 Fall Chinook Smolts: initially growth is accelerated to provide mature smolts by May-June to coincide with spring run-off flows to enhance emigration survival through the lower Snake River dams. Age-0 Early-type Fall Chinook Smolts: Two experimental groups will be developed from the Snake River stock to restore early-spawning populations in lower S.F. Clearwater and lower Selway Rivers. NPTH Fish Release Numbers are Limited to avoid exceeding habitat capacity and impacting wild chinook.


FACILITIES Spring Chinook Facilities: Central Incubation and Rearing Facility (Site 1705) – parr rearing occurs in NATURES channel prior to stream release. Newsome Creek satellite – summer rearing, fall release. Yoosa/Camp satellite – summer rearing, fall release. Meadow Creek Stream satellite – parr release. Fall Chinook Facilities: Central Incubation and Rearing Facility (Site 1705) – rearing and release on- site for Age-0 smolts. Sweetwater Springs – early-type fall chinook rearing. North Lapwai Valley satellite– Age-0 smolt rearing and release. Cedar Flats satellite - early-type fall chinook Age-0 smolt release. Lukes Gulch satellite– early-type fall chinook Age-0 smolt rearing and release. Conventional Rearing Units for NATURES comparison studies at CIRF and satellites.

METHODS - MONITORING & EVALUATION NPTH M&E ACTION PLAN # COHO M&E NPTH Artificial Production Facilities provide Conventionally reared groups to compare with NATURES groups at the CIRF and Satellites. NPTH Annual Operation Plan developed and modified over each generation in accordance with M&E results.

INFORMATION TRANSFER Quarterly reports Annual reports Annual Operation Plan Hatchery Genetic Management Plan Periodic progress reports to NPPC, BPA, ISRP in conjunction with NPTH M&E Action Plan reports. Professional publications

Adult returns to the Clearwater River have occurred as a result of reintroduction. YearAdult Coho Counts at Lower Granite Dam Spawned at Dworshak Hatchery COHO MASTER PLAN (STEP-1) March 2002

NON-TARGET SPECIES NPTH M&E ACTION PLAN: will monitor and report on species interactions; e.g., salmon, steelhead, trout, and other resident species. NPTH releases occur over large geographic area to help avoid over-whelming local fish populations.