1 Is there a requirement for a Commercial TETRA Operator in Venezuela? Caracas, September 20th 2005
2 Subjects Venezuela, General Background Who is SATELCA? Key User Groups for TETRA Infrastructure General System Requirements Key Applications Key Requirements for a National TETRA Operator Conclusions
3 Location: Northern South America on the Caribbean Population: Around 26 Million GNP: Millions $ Size: Sq. Kms Coastline: 2816 Kms Major Cities: Caracas, Maracibo, Valencia, Maracay, Puerto Ordaz Political Division: 23 States and one capital district Mayor Export Product: Petroleum and derivates Reserves Overview: Oil, Gas, Coal, Mineral deposits Borders: Colombia, Brazil, Guyana, Trinidad/Tobago Venezuela's general background Caracas
4 Satelca is a Venezuelan Telecom Operator with eight years in the market offering services to their customers in three different areas: 1.- SMR/PMR 2.- Carrier 3.- IP Satellite services We are located in Eastern Venezuela and own and operate a Microwave backbone that covers the states of Anzoategui, Monagas, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro and Sucre. We currently operate a Trunked Radio Network that serves mainly to the oil & gas companies, utilities, and service companies. Who is Satelca?
5 Public Security Public Safety Oil & Gas and Utilities Segments are requiring TETRA Key User Groups for TETRA Infrastructure
6 General Systems Requirements IP based, mapped over the chain of common structure Virtual private networking Availability of Data Gateway, Voice Logger, Line Dispatcher Different type of Interfaces for PSTN / PABX Group Call propagation based on User availability End to End encryption in Transparent mode Air Interface encryption Distributed Data Base Technology Full Redundancy Multi Vendor terminal interoperability Offering legacy migration without des-investment for networks subscribers
7 Key Applications for Public Security and Public Safety AVL Computer Assisted Resources Mobile Data Data Base for Citizen Identification System Emergency Coordination TETRA Infrastructure APL
8 Key requirements for a National TETRA Operator The TETRA infrastructure must provide wide area communications nationwide both portable and mobile terminal equipments. Capability for handling high traffic for voice, data and probable video in some specific cases. Possibility of a centralized and remote user administration with full capabilities to create, modify and eliminate functionalities in real time. Capability of Inter Systems Interoperability in order to interconnect TETRA Systems from different Vendors. Terminals Interoperability in terms of transparent functionality with independence of the Vendors. Jamming detection of Base Station Preparation for TETRA II High Speed Data to be used in main populated Cities Availability of logistic applications to be interfaced with an open XML based data gateway Distributed Data Base that allow restoration and failover capabilities.
9 Conclusions TETRA is the most suitable standard if the specific system requirements are warranted by the infrastructure manufacturer. There are opportunities for the establishment of a National TETRA Operator in Venezuela to provide radio communications to satisfy different kinds of services. We have seen in other countries where a commercial operator has installed and maintains all security and public safety on a private network. In this case AIRWAVE in England. This case scenario can be used in Venezuela. Satelca has been doing extensive tests on a pilot system supplied by Rohill which we have concluded successful and covering the requirements. A key element to take in consideration for the establishment of a National TETRA Network is the structure of distributed Data Base Technology which will allow the highest grade of redundancy and the full VPN solution for every user group on the network. The opportunity for a National TETRA Operator should be developed by a private company in order to install operate and maintain the infrastructure of this latest technology.
10 What we understand is the Conatel’s opinion? There are a mandatory need of migrate the analog systems operating in 800 Mhz band to digital systems in order to optimize the use of frequency spectrum. Conatel recommend to use the 400 Mhz band for new TETRA Projects because the 800 Mhz band is surround by use of the current operators. There are a mandatory commitments for migrate all the Radio Communications for Public Security and Public Safety to adopt TETRA. Conatel will demand the different systems that will be used for Public Security and Public Safety have the Inter-System Interface (ISI) in order to allow the interconnection of TETRA networks from different manufacturers. The new radio communications systems to be installed in Venezuela must have a minimum spectral efficiency of 4:1, that means 4 communication channels by carrier.
11 Thanks for your Attention..!