2 LandWaterClimateVegetation $100100$100100$100100$100100$ $200200$ $ $ $200200$ $500500$500500$500500$ $ $300300$ $ $ $400400$ Natural Resources
3 LandWaterClimate Vegetation Natural Resources $100100$100100$100100$100100$ $200200$ $ $ $200200$ $500500$500500$500500$ $ $300300$ $ $ $400400$400400
How the U.S. and Canada appear from outer space
What is one large landmass?
The landform that lies between the Rockies and the Appalachians
What is a huge plains area?
A major landform found in both the U.S. and Canada
What are the Rocky Mountains?
Why the Prairie Provinces and the St. Lawrence Lowlands are important to Canada’s economy
What is they are major agricultural regions?
Few people live here because the land is too rugged to live on
What is Canadian Shield?
They formed the Great Lakes
What are glaciers?
A major use of the rivers in the Quebec Province
What is hydroelectricity?
Why the Great Lakes are important to the U.S. and Canada
What is they are major shipping routes that connect the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean?
Silt left by rivers after a flood
What is alluvial soil?
The largest group of freshwater lakes in the world
What are the Great Lakes?
How Canada’s climate is affected by its northern latitude
What is Canada is very cold?
Permanently frozen subsoil of which the surfaces thaws only during the Arctic summer
What is permafrost?
The dry side of a mountain that receives little rain
What is rain shadow?
Size of the U.S. and Canada
What is a factor that accounts for the great variety of climates?
Latitude, mountains, oceans
What are factors that affect climate?
The four types of vegetation or plant life in the U.S. & Canada
What are tundra, grassland, desert scrub and forest?
A cold dry region in the Arctic that is covered with snow for more than half the year
What is the tundra?
It receives little rainfall, is desert or semiarid, has few plants and cannot support many people (but sheep love grazing on it).
What is desert scrub?
A region of flat, or rolling land covered with grasses
What is a prairie?
Uses today include growing corn, soybeans, wheat, and raising cattle
What are grasslands or prairies?
How the huge plains area in Canada and the U.S. affect the way people there live
What is the rich soil makes good farmland?
Produces more hydroelectricity than any other dam in the U.S.
What is the Grand Coulee dam?
Largest oil reserves in North America
Where is along the northern coast of Alaska?
U.S.’s major natural resources include soil, water, timber, farmland and ________.
What are minerals?
Where much of Canada’s mineral wealth is located
What is the Canadian Shield?