Energy data: can regulators be credible, effective, and independent without it? Annette Hester Inter-American Development Bank Energy Database Project
Premise Energy is key to life. Hence, it is always a matter of national security. A singular issue for governments and for people. So is the environment, particularly safety and pollution. To exist, energy projects must have a social license. And for that, regulators and policy makers need to be Trusted
Role of Data “Open knowledge is what open data becomes when it’s useful, usable and used.” Open Knowledge Foundation
US$7.9b active portfolio in energy
10/16 Latin America and the Caribbean Energy Matrix 2011 kBOE/day Source: IDB calculations based on IEA data and *based on other sources 68 %
11/16 Latin America and the Caribbean Electricity Matrix % 8%8% 48 % World
12/16 The Case of Mexico Natural Gas Imports Refining Sector Imports Crude Oil Production
13/16 The Case of Mexico Refining Sector Imports Consumption by sector and by fuel 1971 and 2012
Thanks, Gracias, Obrigada, Merci, and Teşekkür ederim Annette Hester Energy Databaseaheser Inter – American Development Bank Direct