My Region – Region of Prešov Martin Šesták Peter Verešpej
Basic information Area: 8,974 km2 (18.3% of the area of SR) Population: 801,939 (14.8% of the population of Slovakia) Population density: 89 inhabitants/km2 Number of districts:13 Number of cities: 23 Number of villages: 666 Average age: years Major city: Prešov (165,613 inhabitants in the district) Region flag
Region of Presov is located in the northeastern part of the Slovak Republic. Region of presov is the most populated of all regions and by area is the second largest region in Slovakia. It consists of historical regions of northern, central and southern Spis, lower and upper Saris and upper Zemplín
Historical royal towns The towns Bardejov, Ke ž marok, Levo č a and Stará Ľ ubov ň a (Prešov Region) were granted the privileges of a free royal towns in the Middle Ages. Levo č a In 1271 the town was mentioned as a centre of the Province of Spiš which received the privileges of the free royal town. The square is one of the largest medieval squares in Slovakia. It is dominated by the Renaissance town hall, the bell tower and the church of St. Jacob. The altar inside - a master piece of Master Paul of Levo č a - is not only a perfect work of art, but with a height of 18,62 m it is also the highest Gothic altar in the world.
Altar of Master Pavol Renaissance town hall, the bell tower and the church of St. Jacob
Ke ž marok Ke ž marok received the municipal privileges in Every year in summer attend here "Traditional Crafts of Europe" because of traditional crafts. In Ke ž marok is also historical castle. Stará Ľ ubov ň a Stará Ľ ubov ň a received the greatest privilege in 1364, when the Hungarian King Louis I. promoted it a royal free town which has the right of the sword and was freed from the jurisdiction of Ľ ubov ň a Castle.
Ke ž marok castle Stara Ľ ubov ň a castle
Bardejov In 1376, Bardejov came a free royal town. to honor the successful restoration of the old town, in 1986 the International Trustees of the UNESCO foundation ICOMOS awarded town with the European Prize gold medal. in 2000, the historic old town and the Jewish suburb were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Town hall Minor Basilica of saint Egidius
Other Great places in our region opal mines of Dubnik First reference Year 1771 – found the biggest noble opal in the world – Harlequin – 607 g – stored in Wien. The best known tunnels – Carol and Joseph from 19. century. Many opals were taken abroad (Australia, USA, Netherlands). Significant hibernation ground of bats – more than 16 species and 30% of all bats in Slovak Republic. In present, mining operations are shut down and the mines are closed.
High Tatras Belong to TANAP – the oldest national park in Slovak Republic – year Belong to TANAP – the oldest national park in Slovak Republic – year Since 1993 – “Biosférická rezervácia Tatry“ (biosphere organization Tatras) along with polish side are in UNESCO. Since 1993 – “Biosférická rezervácia Tatry“ (biosphere organization Tatras) along with polish side are in UNESCO. The highest peak of Slovakia – Gerlachovský štít – 2655m. The highest peak of Slovakia – Gerlachovský štít – 2655m. The highest inhabited point of Slovakia – Lomnický štít – observatory – 2632 m. The highest inhabited point of Slovakia – Lomnický štít – observatory – 2632 m. There are plenty of rocky mountains (Krivá ň, Rysy), deep iceberg valleys (Mengusovská), moraines and tarns (Štrbské). There are plenty of rocky mountains (Krivá ň, Rysy), deep iceberg valleys (Mengusovská), moraines and tarns (Štrbské). In surroundings are cities with historical monuments (Poprad), alpine and ski centres (Starý Smokovec). In surroundings are cities with historical monuments (Poprad), alpine and ski centres (Starý Smokovec).
Solivar National cultural monument from 17 th century. National cultural monument from 17 th century. Unique ladle saltern, which does not have competition in Slovak Republic. Unique ladle saltern, which does not have competition in Slovak Republic. Complex of technical buildings for soil drawings and boiling. Complex of technical buildings for soil drawings and boiling. The main tunnel Leopold has been excavating since 1571 and his depth reaches 155m. The main tunnel Leopold has been excavating since 1571 and his depth reaches 155m. Capacity of saltern was one of the biggest in middle Europe. Capacity of saltern was one of the biggest in middle Europe. The saline burned up several times – big fires were in 1819 and The saline burned up several times – big fires were in 1819 and 1986.
The hole of evil The only public cave in Prešov surroundings. The only public cave in Prešov surroundings. It arose in floe of calcite and dolomite. It arose in floe of calcite and dolomite. Opened in 1999 and it’s slang name is Zlá D ž ura. Opened in 1999 and it’s slang name is Zlá D ž ura. There are many of protected plants (Lilium martagon). There are many of protected plants (Lilium martagon). Zlá diera is also home to about a 250 bats of 12 species. Zlá diera is also home to about a 250 bats of 12 species.
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