with your hosts The 6 th Grade Team Jeopardy ! FMS Presents 6 th Grade Quarter Review
Geography Regions MISC Fact or Opinion Colonies Native Americans
Geography 10 ANSWER These are large land masses surrounded by water. One is known as Asia.
BOARD Geography 10 What is a Continent?
Geography 20 ANSWER ________________ is a Mountain Range on the East Coast of the United States.
Geography 20 BOARD What is the Appalachian Mountain Range?
Geography 30 ANSWER There are 5 of these bodies of water that are surrounded by land in the United States.
Geography 30 BOARD What are the Great Lakes?
Geography 40 ANSWER This river seperates the United States from the country of Mexico
Geography 40 BOARD What is the Rio Grande River?
Geography 50 ANSWER In the ___________ region there are old rock formations. It is shaped like a horse shoe.
Geography 50 BOARD What is the Canadian Shield?
Colonies 10 ANSWER This group of colonies is made up of primarily rocky soil.
Colonies 10 BOARD What is New England?
Colonies 20 ANSWER The Quakers live in this colony.
Colonies 20 BOARD What is Pennsylvania?
Colonies 30 ANSWER This colony was settled by debtors.
Colonies 30 BOARD What is Georgia?
Colonies 40 ANSWER This group of colonies relied heavily on family in order to help out on the farms and with livestock.
Colonies 40 BOARD What are the Mid-Atlantic Colonies?
Colonies 50 ANSWER What two religious sects settled in New England?
Colonies 50 BOARD Who are the Pilgrims (Separatists) and the Puritans?
Regions 10 ANSWER The ___________ contain some of the oldest mountains.
Regions 10 BOARD What are the Appalachian Highlands?
Regions 20 ANSWER This region contains the continental divide.
Regions 20 BOARD What are the Rocky Mountains?
Regions 30 ANSWER This region was inhabited by the Sioux tribe.
Regions 30 BOARD What are the Great Plains?
Regions 40 ANSWER This region contains the lowest point in North America which is known as Death Valley.
Regions 40 BOARD What is the Basin and Range (Ridge)?
Regions 50 ANSWER This region is west of the Basin and Range.
Regions 50 BOARD What is the Coastal Range?
Native Americans 10 ANSWER This group lived in present day Alaska where it is cold most of the year.
Native Americans 10 BOARD Who is the Inuit?
Native Americans 20 ANSWER This group lived in Teepees and hunted Buffalo. Their region consisted of vast, dry grasslands.
Native Americans 20 BOARD Who are the Sioux?
Native Americans 30 ANSWER This group built their homes out of Adobe and lived in the desert.
Native Americans 30 BOARD Who are the Pueblo?
Native Americans 40 ANSWER This group lived in the eastern woodlands and lived in longhouses.
Reading for Detail 40 BOARD Who are the Iroquois?
Native Americans 50 ANSWER Located on the Northwest coast of the United States, this group lived in plank houses and used canoes.
Reading for Detail 50 BOARD Who are the Kwakiutl?
Fact or Opinion 10 ANSWER The Native Americans were very brave to live in the wilderness. This states: Fact or Opinion
Fact or opinion 10 BOARD What is an Opinion?
Fact or opinion 20 ANSWER Mali, Ghana, and Chad were the three Ruling kingdoms in West Africa.
Fact or opinion 20 BOARD What is an Opinion?
Fact or opinion 30 ANSWER The Inuit lived in a Cold Harsh Environment.
Fact or opinion 30 BOARD What is a Fact?
Fact or opinion 40 ANSWER Continents are really small places. This states: Fact or opinion
Fact or opinion 40 BOARD What is an Opinion?
Fact or opinion 50 ANSWER Mali, Ghana and Songhai were made rich by trading. This states: Fact or opinion
Fact or opinion 50 BOARD What is a Fact?
Misc 10 ANSWER This wraps around the globe and separates the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere?
Misc 10 BOARD What is the Equator?
Misc 20 ANSWER What European Country carried goods to west Africa?
Misc 20 BOARD What is Portugal?
Misc 30 ANSWER This body of water is known as “the gateway to the west” and empties into the Mississippi River?
Misc 30 BOARD What is the Ohio River?
Misc 40 ANSWER Is North America in the eastern hemisphere or western hemisphere?
Misc 40 BOARD What is the western hemisphere?
Misc 50 ANSWER These are the four products American Indians used to make their homes?
Misc 50 BOARD What is adobe, snow, animal skins and wood?
BOARD Category-Social Studies First permanent English settlement in North America Final jeopardy