Essential Question Discuss the following questions with your neighbors and be prepared to share with the class: 1.Based your homework, what influences did ancient Greece and Rome have on modern democracy?
Prologue The Rise of Democratic Ideas 1200BC-1800AD
Democracy – A form of gov’t based on the idea that people can govern themselves Individuals are citizens in a state, not subjects of a ruler – Rome adopted this idea from Greeks Pericles – Increased number of paid officials & pays jurors – Allowed poorer citizens to participate in gov’t Section 1 The Legacy of Ancient Greece and Rome official: a person who works in government juror: a person who helps decide guilt or innocence in trial impartial: fair
Republic – A gov’t in which citizens elect leaders who make government decisions Greek Philosophers – Used reason to discover predictable patterns called Natural Laws Rome’s influence on gov’t & democracy – Gave the world the idea of a republic – Adopted the idea that individuals were citizens not subjects – Written legal code and idea of equal & impartial justice official: a person who works in government juror: a person who helps decide guilt or innocence in trial impartial: fair
Major Forms of Government In your notebook, divide a page into 4 sections At the top of each section the following: – Monarchy – Aristocracy – Oligarchy – Direct Democracy
Monarchy State ruled by a king Rule is hereditary Some rulers claim divine right Oligarchy State ruled by a small group of citizens Rule is based on wealth or ability Ruling group controls military Direct Democracy State ruled by its citizens Rule is based on citizenship Majority rule decides vote Aristocracy State ruled by nobility Rule is hereditary and based on family ties, social rank, wealth Social status and wealth support rulers’ authority
Major Forms of Government Draw and color an illustration for each Major Form of Government
VIP Heads Fold your paper into 8 parts In each section you will: – (Left)Write the name and country of the VIP – (Middle)Draw and color a bust (head & shoulders) – (Right)Create a speech bubble and write a sentence that states the influence they had on democracy. Make sure to write in your own words. DO NOT COPY FROM THE BOOK!!! For this assignment you will use these 7 VIPs – Solon, Cleisthenes, Pericles, Justinian, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle When you are finished, glue this sheet into your notebook