Agenda NEPTUNE/MARS Power System Design Review Thursday 4 December – EE Rm 303 08:30Coffee and Rolls 09:00Welcome, Introductions, Logistics, Review the.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda NEPTUNE/MARS Power System Design Review Thursday 4 December – EE Rm :30Coffee and Rolls 09:00Welcome, Introductions, Logistics, Review the Agenda 09:15NEPTUNE Overview – Bruce Howe 10:15Break 10:30 Power System Technical Overview – Harold Kirkham status and resolution of action items 11:15 Controller – Tim McGinnis 11:45Lunch (catered sandwiches) 12:45Backbone switching – Mohamed El-Sharkawi 13:45Converters – Vatche Vorperian 14:45Break 15:00Power Management and Control System (PMACS) – Chen-Ching Liu 16:00Low voltage section – Tim McGinnis 17:00Adjourn Between 17:00 and 18:00, some of the Board will work with the Project on disposing of the day’s Requests for Action (RFAs) 18:00Reception/Dinner at the Crow’s Nest, South Campus Center

Agenda NEPTUNE/MARS Power System Design Review Friday 5 December – Hardisty Conference Center, Applied Physics Laboratory 08:30Coffee and Rolls 09:00Review of Project – Harold Kirkham Documentation plans and controls Implementation schedule and resources plans Test requirements and design 10:15Break 10:30Continue 11:30Summary – Harold Kirkham 12:00Lunch (catered sandwiches) 13:00Questions This period will also be used for the disposition of outstanding RFAs 15:00Break 15:15Questions 16:00Summary, draft report 17:00Close Dinner: Location TBD

Preliminary Design Review Bruce M. Howe Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington University of Washington 4 – 5 December 2003

Outline Science context NEPTUNE – past, present, future Power – Overview, Organization, Finances The Concept Design Review (CoDR) The Preliminary Design Review (PDR)

Many globally significant planetary phenomena operate at or below the scale of a tectonic plate Premise 1. Thorough 4-D examination of at least one plate/mesoscale system will generate new insights into all such systems. Premise 2. Understanding these systems will require decadal commitments Premise 3. NEPTUNE

Science Topics Ridge crest processes - volcanism, microbiology Seafloor hydrogeology and biogeochemistry Long-term ecological studies Water column physics / chemistry / biology Fisheries Seismology and geodynamics Subduction zone gas releases; methane clathrates Sediment flux from the continents to the deep sea

NEPTUNE Benefits to Research  New approaches lead to new discoveries  Limits to life / Origin of life  Ocean productivity in an area of strong gradients  Ecology and population dynamics of marine mammals and fish stocks  Dynamics of an entire lithospheric plate  Oceanic behavior of greenhouse gases  Integrated physics/chemistry/biology and models  Enhanced education and public awareness of research  New approaches lead to new discoveries  Limits to life / Origin of life  Ocean productivity in an area of strong gradients  Ecology and population dynamics of marine mammals and fish stocks  Dynamics of an entire lithospheric plate  Oceanic behavior of greenhouse gases  Integrated physics/chemistry/biology and models  Enhanced education and public awareness of research

Science Planning NEPTUNE PNW Workshop April 2003 Recommendations: Cover shelf to abyss Coarse array of basic sensors integral part Begin sensor array designs now Cost models Data management key Clarify NSF funding plan PNW

Tectonic plate scale Lots of power (100 kW) Bandwidth (Gbits/sec) Real-time data return & control Robust design; high reliability Available for years Key Characteristics of NEPTUNE

Cabled Regional Observatory Essential Elements

Sensor Networks

Long-term Issues  SENSORS and NEW APPROACHES  Sensor network infrastructure:  moorings/boreholes/distance/observatories  small diameter cables  underwater ROV-mateable connectors  AUVs and Rovers - docks/tethers/navigation/comms  Research ship and ROV capabilities  SENSORS and NEW APPROACHES  Sensor network infrastructure:  moorings/boreholes/distance/observatories  small diameter cables  underwater ROV-mateable connectors  AUVs and Rovers - docks/tethers/navigation/comms  Research ship and ROV capabilities

NEPTUNE Phase 2 Partners Canada – University of Victoria University of Washington Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Jet Propulsion Laboratory

NEPTUNE MANANAGEMENT: OVERVIEW PROGRAM OFFICE (COORDINATION, FUNDING, ADMIN, LEGAL, FINANCIAL, PUBLICITY) OUTREACH TEAM CHAIR: To be selected MEMBERSHIP: LEADERS OF INDIVIDUAL OUTREACH GROUPS ENGINEERING TEAM PROJECT MANAGER: PATRICIA BEAUCHAMP MEMBERSHIP: MANAGERS OF INDIVIDUAL IMPLEMENTATION GROUPS SCIENCE TEAM CHAIR: To be selected MEMBERSHIP: CHAIRS OF INDIVIDUAL SCIENCE GROUPS PROGRAM DIRECTOR CHAIR, EXECUTIVE TEAM JOHN R. DELANEY EXECUTIVE TEAM John Delaney, UW, Chair Patricia Beauchamp, JPL Alan Chave, WHOI Marcia McNutt, MBARI Chris Barnes,Univ. Victoria Chair, Science Chair Outreach… BOARD OF GOVERNORS Member Institutions TBD Note: NEPTUNE will involve SPONSORS, BUILDERS, AND USERS. This chart reflects the organization of the builders only. Goal: To manage the overall NEPTUNE program and ensure participation of all interested scientists, educators, and members of the general public. Vice Chair – Chris Barnes ADVISORY BOARD TBD MOU completed 5/’02

NEPTUNE - past Scientific Uses of Undersea Cables Workshops – 1990, 1997, 2003 – new and retired systems NOPP proposal 1998 UW $2M – feasibility study, report 6/’00 Emerald Lake Meeting – organize – 9/’00 NSF Comms - $2M – WHOI, 10/’00 Keck proto-NEPTUNE $5M – UW et al., 7/’01 NSF Power - $2M – UW and JPL, 10/’01 (5/’02) NOPP proposal 5/’01 – SE, Sci, ProjOff, funds 4/’02, $1.7M

NEPTUNE - present VENUS – Canada, test bed, Strait of Georgia, $10M CAN, funded, install 2004/2005 CFI – NEPTUNE North $60M CAN, funded 10/2003, 5 yrs !!!!!!!!!!!! MARS – Monterey testbed, NSF $7M funded, install 2005 Workshop October 2003 – NE Pacific/JdF plate chosen ALOHA Mooring with profiler – NSF $2.5M …

NEPTUNE Test beds MARS and VENUS Mid-2005 Early 2004 Mid-2005

NEPTUNE - future NEPTUNE Canada – RFP spring 2004, select industry partner NEPTUNE US anticipates being regional component of NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), will respond to US RFP with industry partner Coordinated with Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) – Ocean.US – operational components, mainly coastal

NSF OOI MREFC Funding Total $208M Coastal Global Scale Regional Cabled Systems Project Management Planned for start in FY2006, 5 years O&M $50M/y

John Orcutt’s martini model

NEPTUNE Schedule Phase 1 - Feasibility Studies1998 – 2000 Phase 2 - Development2000 – 2005 Plan/Design Test beds2003 – 2006 MARS Installation 2005 Canadian Funding! 2003 US MRE Proposal 2005 Phase 3 - Deployment MRE, Procurement Begins 2006 Installation 2007 – 2009 Phase 4 - Operations2008 – 2038+

Power Users Electronics – transducers, computers, communications Motion – tethered, swimming, and bottom roving vehicles, active acoustics, pumping of fluids, battery charging Heat transfer – freeze specimens, cool electronics, heaters for chemistry and biology, anti-fouling Lights – Video – 500 W to 5 kW (IMAX 70 m), lasers System –  losses, infrastructure

Power System Design Primary design objective: Reliable delivery of stable power. Requirements (vague) – up to 10 kW at each node About 100 kW total average High Availability Main constraint – COTS telecom cable 0.7 – 1.0  /km Present effort: existence proof, demonstration of essential elements, MARS deliverables

Project Organization

Finances Present sources of Funding Internal NOPP (National Ocean Partnership Program) NSF (National Science Foundation) Original grant + MARS Total to date - $3M; balance is $900k Need additional funding Canadian CFI/BCKDF (~$725k) NSF, …

Concerns Political Need science buy-in Management Technical risk Schedule and Cost Overall uncertainty in the project Technical Provide high-rel service Testing

The CoDR Was first formal technical review of any aspect of NEPTUNE The power system is a new development = risk Concept was found acceptable by Board

The PDR Is the second formal review of NEPTUNE Power Will assess requirements, and whether we meet them Will assess approach, and whether we will succeed “preliminary” for MARS, “peer” for NEPTUNE BE CRITICAL!