Evaluate Habitat Use and Population Dynamics of Lampreys in Cedar Creek BPA - 200001400 Christina Luzier USFWS Columbia River Fisheries Program Office – Vancouver, WA
Outline Critical Uncertainties Project History Objectives Adaptive Changes 2004 Updates Future of the Project
Critical Uncertainties Lamprey Status: Distribution/Abundance Basic Biology/Ecology Genetic Structure Passage Survival Estimates Limiting Factors Restoration Activities Education and Outreach Petition for listing, not warranted Waiting for finding – to see if status review is warranted on PCL or any of the 3 other species
Project Overview/History BPA Project # 200001400 4th year of project operations Lewis River Drainage, SW Washington Year-around field activity Staff: 3 FTE’s, fish biologists $204,000 yearly
Location Map Cedar Creek, WA. N 5 km
Objectives Abundance and migration timing of adults Larval distribution and habitat use Outmigrant abundance and migration timing Spawning habitat requirements Objectives
Objective 1 Adults Pacific (PCL) Migration timing, biology and behavior, population estimates Method: Adult Pot traps and Adult Fish Ladder Length, weight, sex, spawning condition PIT tag, fin clip (for 2nd mark and genetics) Mark-recapture for population estimates
Capturing Adults Adult Ladder Pot Trap WDFW adult ladder 4km upstream and pot trap Adult Ladder Pot Trap
Objective 1 Results Population estimates PCL Population estimates 2001 – 87; 2002 – 700; 2003 – 693 Migration timing: potentially two migration periods early summer/fall
2001–2003 Adult PCL Movement
2002 Adult PCL Movement Two pulses early summer and late fall Negative relationship with discharge
Objective 1 Population Estimation Escapement Location of marking Challenges Population Estimation Location of marking Capture method efficiency Poor recapture efficiency PIT retention rates Equal capture of marked v. unmarked Escapement Incomplete coverage of nest counts
Objective 1 Changes Pop Estimates Escapement Challenges for Population estimates. Marking too far upstream – put trap line at mouth. Capture efficiencies for different methods unknown – now tracking methods Poor recapture efficiencies in ladder and pots – WDFW improved flow at entrance of fish ladder, added more pots to ladder, improved pot trap design. PIT retention unknown – added second mark (also for genetic analysis) Escapement – incomplete coverage of redd counts 1. Spatial coverage - good 2. Expanded temporal coverage 3. Estimated redd life Next - Relating population estimates to escapement
Objective 2 Larval lamprey distribution and habitat use Method: Stratified systematic point sampling technique Electrofishing 70% depletion Habitat Stratified systematic design, for purposes of comparison with CTUIR study (describe layout) At each sample point, lamprey removed and habitat assessed Logistic regressions and categorical regression trees computed
Sample Site Diagram Transect 6 10 m Transect 5 Transect 4 Water Flow = Sample Points
Objective 2 Results Fish in relation to their habitat Stone and Barndt 2004 (J. Freshwat. Ecol.) Highly aggregated, non-random Negative relationship with water velocity Positive relationship with clay, silt, sand Backwater, depositional, side channel areas
Objective 2 Challenges Low number of successes at sample points, i.e. lots of zeroes Concerns about gear efficiency Catchability concerns in presence areas Changes Plans to develop sampling design to address low success rate (adaptive cluster method, etc.) Continuation of gear efficiency work including lower densities and probability of capture Continuation of gear efficiency work including: modeling probability of capture
Gear Efficiency Ability to get sufficient test fish for trials Challenges: Ability to get sufficient test fish for trials Substrate sterility and validation: time consuming Gear Efficiency Trials Cedar Creek 2004
<60 mm Ammocoetes Only Gear Efficiency Preliminary Results Depletion model Regression correction Perfect world At high densities with smaller fish 70% depletion model overestimates Regression technique reduces some error 2004 we are working on lower densities both larger and smaller fish. These are densities that we are seeing in the real world <60 mm Ammocoetes Only
Objective 3 Outmigrant abundance and migration timing Method: 5’ screw trap, 4 km upstream of mouth Length, weight, stage Tag and release Trap efficiency Trap retention
Objective 3 Results Abundance estimates not calculated due to poor trap efficiencies
Ammocoete Movement 2001 - 2003
2001-2003 Macropthalmia Movement
2003 Am and Mac Movement
Objective 3 Screwtrap upstream from majority of CDC productivity Challenges Screwtrap upstream from majority of CDC productivity (172 nests downstream!) consistent effort with high flow without compromising safety Changes Section 10 permit to move screw trap to mouth of CDC Safety Consistent effort Improve migration timing estimates and mark/recapture
Objective 4 Evaluate spawning habitat requirements of adult lampreys Index 3 Index 5 Index 2 Index 1 Index 6 Index 4 Method: Spawning ground surveys throughout Cedar and Chelatchie Creeks Index 7
Pacific Lamprey Nest Dimensions Substrate Habitat type Flow #/sex Eggs present Nest longevity
Objective 4 Results PCL Nests 2001 - 20; 2002 – 124; 2003 – 109 Habitat types: Pool tail outs, runs, low gradient riffles with large gravel Appearance: Round depression, 21-23 in (53-58 cm) in diameter, substrate stacked around perimeter Flow: 2-3 ft/sec Results varied between years May be related to environmental conditions, observer variation, experience at nest identification Pool tail-outs and runs are popular habitats for spawning Species distribution and Index Surveys
Objective 4 Results WBL Nests 2001 – 24; 2002 – 13; 2003 – 22 Habitat types: Pool tail outs, low gradient runs with small gravel Appearance: small gravel, 4-14 in. diameter (cattle hoof print) Flow: 1.3 ft/sec Results varied between years May be related to environmental conditions, observer variation, experience at nest identification Pool tail-outs and runs are popular habitats for spawning Species distribution and Index Surveys
2002 2003
PCL Nest Construction/Digging
PCL Adult Video
Objective 3 Challenges Moving beyond Phase 1: Collection of descriptive nest data Phase 2: Development of predictive model of spawning habitat Changes Improved sampling design for use and non-use data Use vs. non-use habitat characteristics To this end, developed improved sampling regime for use and non-use habitat data PCL 273 use points (i.e. redds) and 108 non use points – describe briefly WBL 27 use points and 16 non-use points Evaluate relationships between use and non-use habitats PCL–273 use/108 non-use; WBL–27 use/16 non-use
Current Work Future Work Continue with four Objectives Improving adult abundance estimation Continuing work on Gear Efficiency and larval depletion models Logistical analysis of screw trap move Predictive modeling of spawning habitat Future Work Juvenile spatial distribution within substrate Recruitment in Rosgen side-channels Population genetics
http://columbiariver.fws.gov Acknowledgments BPA Howard Schaller CRFPO Jen Stone Sam Lohr Bao Le Greg Silver http://columbiariver.fws.gov
WBL Double Feature