October Sky By: Taylor Zubek, Victoria Tummings, and Kyle Stuetelberg
Timeline Sonny and Quentin go to Mr. Hartsfield to ask him if he can teach calculus, for building a rocket. Mr. Hartsfield talks to the boys about how the calculus class won’t happen at the school because it is a coalmining and football school, and how it will be forever. Went to Mr. Turner to ask him for the permission to let Mr. Hartsfield teach the calculus. They deny the boys the permission to be able to get the coarse calculus, because they assume the superintendent will deny the request.
Timeline Page Two The boys get called into the principal’s office and there are two West Virginia State Police Officers. The troopers found a blue rocket and assumed it was the boy’s rocket and asked if it was theirs. The boys denied it and thought the way these rocket builders built their fins was ingenious The rocket that crashed caused a forest fire on the top of Davy Mountain and was close to burning the houses off of highway 52. The officers are convinced it was them because of their rocket building. Ms Riley brought in a map and asked the boys to show how far their rocket can travel. The boys came to conclusion since it was a spring loaded rocket, it was actually a flare.
Timeline Page Three They got called into Mr. Turner’s room again and were told by him that there is a calculus class that has opened up in Big Creek; it will start in about two weeks. There were only six spots open for the calculus class, but an extra person signed up making it seven people. The person that wouldn’t be allowed to go would be Mr. Hickman (Sonny) because his grades were the lowest of the seven boys who signed up. The girl that he liked and had shown his rocket book to got to take that last and final class because she was smarter and had better grades than Sonny
Timeline Page Four Discovered during class that they can use sulfur dioxide released from the reaction of rotting organic material. Quentin suggested that sulfur dioxide would be there next item. The old miners who were let go, were mostly brought back with the tall orders miners were working 24 hours and 7 days a week. The houses were lit with new TV’s, sounds of new phones, and brightly painted accessories. There was more traffic coming in and out of their house now than there ever was, colleges were coming to talk to Jim about going to school for football. Everyone in the house was excited because the University of West Virginia
Quotes ! Quote 1- “Because,”Mr.Hartsfield signed, looking down and shaking his head," this is Big Creek High School. Maybe if this was Welch High, the county superintendent would approve such a class, but not here. We’re a football and a coal miner school, and that’s all we have ever been. Quote 2- Reverend Lanier once preached that when a door is shut in our faces, we shouldn’t worry, because someday, if we’re properly patient, God might open another.
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This is the song we believed reflected our chapter the most. Drake, successful GnMTAw